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Just finished 3 brand new Tu-95 Bear skins for both the A,M and V versions of the Bear.


2 skins are natural metal,one with long and one with short antiglare panel (the second is not showed in these pics) but is like the V Antiflash scheme ones.


1 skin like just written above is for the V Tzar bomb carrier and for the nuclear versions of the bomber.


take a look:












Now I'll have a cigar,than send all to Veltro,he is the project manager!

Than if he glad,these will become the standard skins!

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This looks awsome what is the plan?! And will veltro release his final Tu-95 version with the comunity updates questions over questions

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This looks awsome what is the plan?! And will veltro release his final Tu-95 version with the comunity updates questions over questions



He said that available Tu-95 A and upcoming MS are betas,I've just done the skins to replace the default,he says that it was a temporary skin just to let the Bear come out,probably after suggestions he'll go to a step ahead!

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I.'m waiting Veltro response about it!

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One thing is sure,that they will be uploaded soon! :good:

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haha can`t wait for those nice skins!

great work on your Blinder!!!!

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thank you, I painted the skin with paint also the parts... bad program!



I've got only a few problems to show the canopy frames from inside the pit,on sides they're on bot in the center no,only the panel and the probe

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ui that`S really strange, mh... my suggestion is, post this as a seperate posting, this has definatly something to do with the core inis like flight engine ini. At this point I can`t help you. Cause this don`t appear on my machine

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