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N28 AI explodes on runway at takeoff

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I am in flight school over the holidays learning to takeoff from runways flying all the available addon aircraft. I have FE_EP1_Oct07 loaded so I can fly Peter01's flight models. I have discovered that the EMLD's Neuport 28 ver.2 mod has a problem in that the AI planes attempting to start on runway immediately slowly pitch forward before starting the forward roll down the runway. After a few moments the propellors strike the ground with an explosion that disintegrates all the AI planes. I can takeoff in my plane with no problems but all my squadron mates have died a firey death and I am alone in the sky. I assume there is a setting in _data.ini that is causing the problem but I lack the knowledge to correct it. Has anyone observed similar behavior? What is the fix?



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Salute Christian


Thanks for the quick advice. I grabbed the file you suggested which is Peter01's September 08 various tweaks for the flight models in the FE_EP1_Oct07 game. I get no improvement at all. All of the Neuport 28s flown by AI lined up with me ready for takeoff nose over before they even start their takeoff roll and explode when their props strike the ground. My NP28 will takeoff normally under my control. I now must start my squadron in the air to avoid catastrope. So far the EMID's N28 is the only addon a/c that I have discovered with this behavior. Could it be a center of gravity adjustment issue that makes the nose heavy for AI flown planes? Or could it be a dynamic pitch adjustment? I have no clue which item to adjust in the _data.ini file.



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Sometimes it turns out to be an MOI problem. This is what I have in my Nieuport 28 data.ini, and I haven't experienced the problems you're having. You might want to give them a try and see if they help.




Just remember to back up your original in case this doesn't help. No sense changing what doesn't work, because it just confuses the issue later on.



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Salute Heck


I edited the EmptyInertia values in _data.ini file to match your suggested values. The AI Nieuport 28 aircraft still pitch forward before the takeoff roll and explode when the props hit the ground. Any other ideas? What do you suppose causes the tail to lift off the ground without any forward motion? I have removed and reloaded EMID's N28 mod to the Objects/Aircraft folder and copied Peter01's Sept 08 N28_data.ini file. I am still at a loss what to do.



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I have been flying with my game play options for the Flight Model set to Hard. I just discovered when I reset Flight Model to Normal my Nieuport 28 aircraft pitches forward in sync with the other AI aircraft. But instead of exploding when my prop strikes the ground like the other AI aircraft, my tail drops back to the ground and then I explode. How about that... Do the AI aircraft have the option for Hard or Normal FM like the flyable a/c? Might the prop thrust be causing the AI aircraft to pitch forward before they start the the roll off?



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Well I believe I have discovered an acceptable work around for my problem. I reinstall EMID's N28 after removing the old N28 folder in Object/Aircraft directory. I edited the N28_data.ini file to turn on the Blip Switch by adding the following lines to the [Engine] section by coping several lines from Peter01's lastest FM set for FE_EP_Oct07 (see FMs___Campaigns_September_2008.zip on CA Downloads)






BlipSwitch=TRUE <<< insert this line

BlipThreshhold=0.95 <<< insert this line





Then further on down in the file I changed prop speeds to match Peter01's settings



FastPropRPM=900 <<< old value was 800

MaxPropRPM=1400 <<< old value was 1500

Idle PropRPM=500 <<< old value was 150



And finally I edited


ExhaustEmitterName=RotaryExhaustEmitter <<< old value was InlineExhaustEmitter


There must be a typo somewhere in my copy of Peter01's latest N28_data.ini that I have yet to locate. All I know is that with these edits of EMID's N28_data.ini shown above and my Flight Model set to Hard all my AI aircraft now do not pitch forward and explode before starting their takeoff roll on the runway. Everyone gets airborne now.



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I have FE+EP+Nov2008 patch using Hard settings. When I install the N28 using default data.ini the AI takes off okay. With Peter01's Sep2008 FM installed it pitches over and explodes.


Changed this under the engine section in Peter01's data.ini file:




to the default:




Now the AI takes off using Peter01's FM file.

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Salute Czech


Your suggested edit of the ThrustPosition value in [Engine] section of N28_data.ini was just what the ground crew needed! Thanks. All my squadron flight mates successfully takeoff from the aerodrome now.


BTW, Peter01 suggested that his flight model update files, when he released them, were designed for use only with FE_EP_Oct07 upgrade. Have you tried or have you heard of anyone else try to install the latest batch of Peter01's tweaked FMs into FE_EP_Nov08 patched game? I have yet to apply any of the available A/C mods including Peter01's latest FMs to my patched _Nov08 game. I was curious to know if it is worth the efforts. I am still flying the FE_EP_Nov08 patched game with TK's original A/C using all the defaults.



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Salute Czech


Your suggested edit of the ThrustPosition value in [Engine] section of N28_data.ini was just what the ground crew needed! Thanks. All my squadron flight mates successfully takeoff from the aerodrome now.


BTW, Peter01 suggested that his flight model update files, when he released them, were designed for use only with FE_EP_Oct07 upgrade. Have you tried or have you heard of anyone else try to install the latest batch of Peter01's tweaked FMs into FE_EP_Nov08 patched game? I have yet to apply any of the available A/C mods including Peter01's latest FMs to my patched _Nov08 game. I was curious to know if it is worth the efforts. I am still flying the FE_EP_Nov08 patched game with TK's original A/C using all the defaults.






I'm using Peter01's Sept2008 FM fixes for the default aircraft with FE+EP+Nov2008 patch installed. Haven't seen any problems, but I'm no FM expert. Now that I'm getting back into FE I'm wrapped up in the formation issue again.

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