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Southside Bucky

Add-on planes graphic glitch...

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Hi guys.


Can anyone tell me please, what causes this:




The picture's not great I know, but it's basically a shimmering, flicker effect that only seems to affect certain add-on planes, ie, the Fokker Eindekkers, Bristol F2b and Sopwith Pup. It only happens when the plane's at a certain distance...Maybe just beyond the zoom limit.


I did a forum search on the subject before posting, but could only find a similar problem relating to ground objects...Here:




Any help would be greatly appreciated.





Edited by Southside Bucky

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That file hosting site's useless...This one's more straightforward. It'll take you straight to that screenshot, plus a couple of others I've put up:








Just for the record I've tried various graphic options within the game. I've also tried changing the settings and drivers for my Nvidia graphics card, with no success.


In that thread about flickering ground objects, the solution turned out to be Z buffer settings...I'm wondering if the same might apply to the add-on planes?...But where are the Z buffer settings for individual planes?





Edited by Southside Bucky

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