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I've been making my own wep pack(MF/krizis/lindr2/bunyap mutant lol) so I'm kinda fooling around with it and I noticed one thing, dumb bombs have C.E.P!


I always thought that C.E.P. is related only to weapons guidance system, not the weapon accuracy itself. I mean using dumb bombs you mostly bomb by "feel" anyway...

Am I missing something?

Edited by Brain32

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Hmm I've just read that dumb mk82 has 300ft C.E.P What am I missing? lol

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OK Don't mind me rambling on my own here lol

But here is something interesting about this feature again.

I've just read(yeah again lol) that SRAM had 430m C.E.P. right here: http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/m-69.html

Anyway, this link is super cool with insane amounts of info on US/NATO munitions(all kinds!)


Now IRL 430m for a nuclear weapon is really not a problem, but how would that reflect in game? I mean nuc weapons are a bit short on the blast power and radius as it is, with 430m CEP it might be a bit unrealistic or not?

Edited by Brain32

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