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Pilots Of The Vietnamese Peoples Air Force

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I love WOV,it's got to be my personal favourite,I love all the work you guys put into it making it more realistic and historically correct every day,but,am I wrong in thinking that no one has ever done a selection of skins for the VPAF pilots to date?There are some superb USAF pilot skins that I have downloaded from Kevin Wrench's site,I think the template was originally Diego's,although I not sure.I do know they are beautiful hi res 512x512 skins that really go to make the whole sim that much richer.Is there any skinner out there that could give us two or three VPAF pilot skins,I personally think it's been overlooked,whilst I have'nt got the skills required to do this I would be more than happy to supply the artist photos for reference from my book collection.The MiG 21 pilots all appear from my books to wear olive green anti G outfits with white ZS-3 helmets over a leather SL-60 flying helmet.The MiG 17 and MiG 19 pilots all seemed to wear dark brown leather jackets over their olive green nylon PPK-1 anti-G flight suits and all wore a leather Chinese or Russian SL-60 flying helmet over a textile white/cream cap.Some of the VPAF aces wore their medals on their jackets.Most of the seat straps showing strapped in pilots appear to be in olive green webbing with big alumimium buckles.I could go into more detail but if anyone has got the Mig units of the Vietnam war books by Istvan Toperczer they're all in there,and they're really worth a look.Well all of this was just an observation really that I personally think is missing from the sim,if someone has skinned some VPAF pilots please let me know,I do like realism.

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Please don't post the same thing in separate forums fishing for a response.



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Expanding this post to more paragraphs might also make it easier to read and understand....I couldn't hardly follow what's trying to be said.


BTW, the "RedAir1" pilot is 512x, hence lo-rez, created by me.


The OTHER pilots, albeit mostly removed at Deigo's request, are 2048x -- that's hi-rez.



kevin stein

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Sorry about double posting it won't happen again,would've deleted first if at all possible.Point made and taken.

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