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Question about anti-ship strikes w/ Su-33

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Hi there, I was wondering if someone could help me out here. I'd like to know how to use that huge air to ground missle which can be equipped on an Su-33. I got Lo-mac, the 1.0 version (for some reason the patch f***ed up with my missle launching). What I already tried to do was to press 7 for air to ground mode and turn on the radar, but nothing happens really. I'm not able to lock onto anything, nor can I fire the missle. mby the missle wasn't built for that kind of mission?

can someone help?

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Hi there, I was wondering if someone could help me out here. I'd like to know how to use that huge air to ground missle which can be equipped on an Su-33. I got Lo-mac, the 1.0 version (for some reason the patch f***ed up with my missle launching). What I already tried to do was to press 7 for air to ground mode and turn on the radar, but nothing happens really. I'm not able to lock onto anything, nor can I fire the missle. mby the missle wasn't built for that kind of mission?

can someone help?


First of all you really should install patch v1.02, as actually it did not mess up your missile launching. It changes the weapon release (on US jets only) to be more like the real world.

You press the ENTER key (or whatever you have that mapped to on your joystick) to fire missiles, rockets bombs. The Spacebar will always fire the cannon on US jets. Russian jets are unaffected by this change, it is US jets only!!


Look in ...Lockon\Doc\keycommands.doc and you should see the changed key commands highlighted in red. you will find other changes too, eg A-10 CCRP bombing mode added in v1.02, press O for CCRP.



OK, now to your question about the Su-33 and the Kh-41 missile. I'll start by saying that whilst the Russian Navy planned to equip the Su-33 with this missile, it never happened in ral life - the demise of the Soviet Union and lack of cash at the time meant the project was cancelled. Many websites wrongly persist in crediting the Su-33 with this capability. So it being in Lockon is just a bit of fun.

1) It is an air to ship missile. you cant fire it at anything other than ships.

2) the target must be pre-designated in the Mission Editor. So you have to set an ATTACK waypoint and then use the TARGET button to designate your enemy ship as a target.

3) Once airborne, press 7 for ground attack. If you have other weapons loaded on your aircraft besides the Kh-41, then you may need to press D to select your Kh-41 missile. Press I to switch on your radar. Once you are in range of the target you will see LA (launch authorise) in the HUD. From memory you get this maybe 100km from the target?


Hope this helps.


You might want to try visiting www.lockonfiles.com as their forums are still quite active, whereas CombatAce is rather quiet for Lockon these days.

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First of all you really should install patch v1.02, as actually it did not mess up your missile launching. It changes the weapon release (on US jets only) to be more like the real world.

You press the ENTER key (or whatever you have that mapped to on your joystick) to fire missiles, rockets bombs. The Spacebar will always fire the cannon on US jets. Russian jets are unaffected by this change, it is US jets only!!


Look in ...Lockon\Doc\keycommands.doc and you should see the changed key commands highlighted in red. you will find other changes too, eg A-10 CCRP bombing mode added in v1.02, press O for CCRP.



OK, now to your question about the Su-33 and the Kh-41 missile. I'll start by saying that whilst the Russian Navy planned to equip the Su-33 with this missile, it never happened in ral life - the demise of the Soviet Union and lack of cash at the time meant the project was cancelled. Many websites wrongly persist in crediting the Su-33 with this capability. So it being in Lockon is just a bit of fun.

1) It is an air to ship missile. you cant fire it at anything other than ships.

2) the target must be pre-designated in the Mission Editor. So you have to set an ATTACK waypoint and then use the TARGET button to designate your enemy ship as a target.

3) Once airborne, press 7 for ground attack. If you have other weapons loaded on your aircraft besides the Kh-41, then you may need to press D to select your Kh-41 missile. Press I to switch on your radar. Once you are in range of the target you will see LA (launch authorise) in the HUD. From memory you get this maybe 100km from the target?


Hope this helps.


You might want to try visiting www.lockonfiles.com as their forums are still quite active, whereas CombatAce is rather quiet for Lockon these days.


well thank you, let's try this out

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Hi Brit_Radar_Dude !


OK, now to your question about the Su-33 and the Kh-41 missile. I'll start by saying that whilst the Russian Navy planned to equip the Su-33 with this missile, it never happened in ral life - the demise of the Soviet Union and lack of cash at the time meant the project was cancelled. Many websites wrongly persist in crediting the Su-33 with this capability.


The project was really abandoned for financial reasons or technical reasons according to you ?

Edited by Wolfen

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