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Strike Fighter 2: where to put afterburner effects and custom sounds?

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Using Vista here. I am able to add custom planes to SF2 in the User\Save Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighters2\Objects directory. But some 3rd party aircraft have custom sounds and afterburner effects. Where do I save these? And should I edit any .ini files? I end up flying the plane without sounds and afterburner effects. Thanks.

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For sounds, create a "sounds" folder in the main directory.


At present, 3rd party effects do not work. (Thirdwire is presently working on a patch which should resolve this and some other issues.) However, the game includes many afterburner effects that should stand in.


In the folder of the aircraft that you want to mod, open the planename_data.ini file. Scroll down to the entry for the engine, and change the afterburner emitter name to one of the stock effects such as AfterburnerEmitter or F15AfterburnerEmitter. (Be sure to do this for both engines of twin engined jets.)







AfterburnerEmitterName=F13AfterburnerEmitter <-make sure this line reads "AfterburnerEmitter" or F15AfterburnerEmitter



MaxExtentPosition= 0.78,-3.22, 1.29

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Thanks. This should get me going.

Can you just put cockpits to make the stock planes flyable?

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