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Akce 1988: Potřebuju pomoc

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Zdravíme české společenství!

Lidi, pro přidání, a to na hypotetickém konfliktu z Varšavské smlouvy a NATO v roce 1988, chtějí nastavit počet pluků / letky a letiště, kde byl založen na konci 80-IES. Máte možnost pomoci Czech Air Force?


PS líto křivku google-překládat))

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Hi Takida :yes:


If you can speak english we have no problem understand.


So if you want Czechoslovak aviation regiments, their flights and their location from cca 1988, we can help I think.


We had Mig-23ML/MF/BN and Mig-21F-13/PF/PFM/MA/R/MF and 23/21 trainer variants (usable AmokFloos Mig-21UM). Plus Su-22M4 and Su-25K, maybe some Su-7BM/BKLs served in "88". L-29 and L-39 trainers.


No Mig-21Bis served in our AF.


Newest Mig-29A (9-12) were delivered in 1989.


Some Mi-8/17 and Mi-24 helicopters regiments.


I wrote types whose are modelled in SFP1 world. If I forgot some type, somebody from Czech or Slovak members will correct me I hope.



How many Czechoslovak aviation regiments is supposed to include into your campaign? We had here strong SAM sites (standard in Warsav pact) too.

Edited by kukulino

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I did some research into this. I'll look if i can find my old papers with the regiments and operated aircraft and locations.

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Yeah, today I will go to library and try get book "Zrusena kridla" which is good reference for aviation regiments. Plus valka.cz (click) is very good reference material (in czech language).

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I've found my papers. Here is what i have.


slp - Fighter Aviation Regiment

sbolp - Fighter Bomber Aviation Regiment

blp - Assault/Shturmovik Aviation Regiment

zpravlp - Reconnaisance Aviation Regiment


A regiment had 3 flying squadrons with 12 combat aircraft, 2 2-seat trainers, 1 basic trainer. (For eg. 12x MiG-21MF, 2 MiG-21UM, 1 L-39).

Regiments are written as: Name - airbase - aircraft type(s).

note that only Budejovie, Bechyne, Dobrany, Zatec, Mimon, Milovice, Pardubice and Caslav airbases are in game.


Situation in 1988:


1.slp - Budejovice - MiG-23ML

4.slp - Pardubice - MiG-21MA, MF, (F)

5.slp - Dobrany - MiG-21F, MF

6.sbolp - Prerov - MiG-21MF, recieved Su-22M4 in 1988

8.slp - Ostrava - MiG-21PF, PFM

9.slp - Bechyne - MiG-21F,PF,PFM,MF (in 88 probably PFM, MF)

11.slp - Zatec - MiG-23MF

20.sbolp - Namest - Su-22M4, Su-7Bm,BKL, Su-7s were slowly retired and replaced by 22s since early 80's

28.sbolp - Caslav - MiG-23BN

30.blp - Hradec Kralove - Su-25K, might have had some L-39ZA

47.zpravlp - Hradec Kralove - L-29R, MiG-21R, an-26 elint ac.


two helicopter regiments, on in Plzen, one in Presov(?) both operating Mi-7,17,24 and Mi-2 elint

detachments of Mi-24s and L-39ZAs on several airfields as defence against slow and low flying aircraft.


since 70's MiG-21F was used as a conversion trainer usualy in 1st squadron of regiment to train new pilots. (New pilot learned to fly Mig-21 in good weather and daylight, then in good weather at night and finaly in all weather at night)

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Děkujeme vám!

Mám kompletní údaje o složení NATO, ale nic o složení Varšavského bloku, takže informace budou nastavit běda v českých vzdušných sil. Díky znovu.


PS Hele, lidi ... Budejovice, Pardubice, Hradec Kralove ... Jaká krásná místa! S nejvyšším respektem a láskou ke svému nádherné země, vzpomínám si na Českou republiku.



Edited by Takida

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I have reworked lukasn22 pilot mod for the mig-21. Now it`s a "new" pilot and the texture doesn`t overwrite the current one from Amokflo. If you like I can upload it later and u can use it for this mod... just a suggestion ;-)

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