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Throttle Not Responding In Mp

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I've played single player and campaign missions with no problems. I had a go last night with my online squadron and my throttle didn't work. I went back and forth to the 'Options' screen and verified my settings. Went through the tests and all appeared to be fine. Got back into the game and nothing. I couldn't get the aircraft to respond to keyboard commands either. Then while pushing keyboard inputs, I'm taxiing with full afterburners. Then from the external view I see my flaps and rudders working and get throttle response. Get to the runway for take-off and lose throttle response and dig the nose gear into the terf as I drive right across the runway threshold.


Any suggestions on settings would be appreciated, if it's not my settings, perhaps you can isolate it elsewhere. Thanx.


ABIT IS7-E, Intel P4 2.4GHz 800fsb, Kingston HyperX 512DDR PC3200 x2, ATI Radeon 9800Pro 128, Creative SB Audigy LS, Saitek X36 HOTAS, ATI Catalyst 3.9, AA & AF off with both set at 4X, Win XP Home, game settings at medium with water on low, heatblur off, reflections off, and last night one of my squadies told me to uncheck the 'Read Only' option on the game folder-to no avail.

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