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Pilot Skill Off The Scale

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I've placed an Aggressor squadron in one of my campaigns. Here's some of the relevant data for them:





My question for the experts is, does the game engine only recognise entered experience, supply and intelligence levels as ranging from 0 to 100?

If possible I'd like to place an experience level of something like, say, 125 in order to reflect the skill of Aggressor instructor pilots in real life.


Whaddya think guys?

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I wouldn't exactly know about going to 125, but i noticed that guys in my squadrons that got to 90+ in experience were quite formidable if they also had skills nearly as high.

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I wouldn't exactly know about going to 125, but i noticed that guys in my squadrons that got to 90+ in experience were quite formidable if they also had skills nearly as high.


Hasn't stopped my squadron mates on 100 getting their a*ses blown off :haha:

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We all have to die someday.


However, having a Flight in which everyone is a double digit ace makes for a longer time before the fall. :cool:

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We all have to die someday.


F*ck that - I wanna live forever!!!! :biggrin:

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Guest ruhzyo

Yeah, what's the scale? Does it stop at a hundred?

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Yeah, what's the scale? Does it stop at a hundred?


That's what I'm assuming. I suppose you could say I'm hoping that it can go further. In otherwords, if you've got Aggressor Instructor pilots flying with you, you'd like them to be your guardian angels, kicking enemy ass left right and centre.

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there wouldn't be much harm in setting it to 125 just to see what happens. Worst case scenario, you'll CTD or your squad will be a bunch of aeronautical dunderheads. the scale probably only goes too 100, though.

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