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how to pass the third mission in F-15 CAMP?

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Hi all

i have a question about the third mission:

When i destroy all planes i fly back to my base by the NAV points but on the second and the third points there is a LOOP (in the secon point its BEGIN LOOP and in the third points its END LOOP) and i fly on those points over and over again so how can i continue flying to other pionts?

(sorry my english is poor)

Edited by ron9093

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Hi all

i have a question about the third mission:

When i destroy all planes i fly back to my base by the NAV points but on the second and the third points there is a LOOP (in the secon point its BEGIN LOOP and in the third points its END LOOP) and i fly on those points over and over again so how can i continue flying to other pionts?

(sorry my english is poor)

Are you sure? I just had a quick look at it in the Mission Editor and I can't find a LOOP.


Anyway, once you have finished the mission and killed all the bandits, you can go from a combat mode into the NAV RETURN mode by pressing the 1 key twice.


Note that for the US aircraft (F-15 and A-10), when you go to NAV RETURN mode, for some odd reason it directs you right to the runway, so you will then have to turn away and line up for the approach yourself. Not a problem in good weather - a real hassle at night / bad weather / poor visibility.



Much nicer in the Russian aircraft - when you use the NAV RETURN mode you are directed to the Initial Approach Fix (as shown on this excellent diagram below made by TekaTeka).





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