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K....everything is working well.i can fly all usaf,usn,usmc ac that i have edited....but,i want to fly the soviet ac that i have put in also!Good is force1 and Bad is force2(as defined by campxxxdata.ini)Within the config.ini i have the USAF,USN,USMC,SVietnam,and Soviet service id's listed.All function fine except SVietnam and Soviet.When i select the squadron that i want to fly with the Soviet,it has USAF ac in place instead of the Soviet ac(MiG-29A,Su-27,Su-27SM,Su-33(sim),MiG-35,MiG-29OVT)that i have dedicated for force2.and when i fly fine with USA squads,the Soviet ac have no weapons when i f6 to look at them,even tho i have placed certain weps for them in the data.ini file(paying close attention to dates,also).so i must be doing something wrong,so an A to Z would be helpful(yes i looked at the knowledge base and i understand up to that point)but,it doesn't address this point.THANKS!

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I sent you another PM about campaigns. :good:


Check your Loadout.ini's for Soviet aircraft.

Depending on what weapons pack download you are using,the weapons are named differently.

AA-2 might be R-3S in weapondata.ini file. AA-3 would be R-8M etc.


The Mirage factory did a terrific job of combining the weapons to make it easier for the game to use them.

You might want to download their latest weapons pack or get weapons pack 2.52 by wombraider and whole bunch of extremely talented people from CombatAce.

Remember to read the install instructions and follow them for a good install.

Edited by ezlead

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Hi Viper,


Specific, step-by-step instructions at post #2 in this thread:




For side by side Red and Blue Force flyable campaigns for comparison purposes, I will make a shameless plug here and recommend you take a look at the files in my SoCal '84 Red Dawn and Red Force campaign d/l.


Keep those Red-side flyable campaigns coming :yes:

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