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Mirage Factory Weps Pack (Jan. 09)

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Is this pack only for SF or WOE? I tried installing it in WOV, and everything seems to be working, but there is no AGM-45 Shrike for some reason. I've been trying to load it on my F-100 (among other planes) and it's not showing up. I checked the weapons folder and there was only a folder for the AGM-45A. I clicked on it, and there is an ini file, but not .bmps and the other stuff I presume is needed for a weapon to show up in the game (.lod files perhaps)


So my question is really two-fold: 1. Is the latest Mirage Factory weapons pack supposed to work with WOV, and 2. Is the AGM-45 an exception rather than the rule as far as missing weapons goes?


As a bonus question, is the Mirage Factory the place to get the latest and greatest weapons packs now (as opposed to Bunyaps?)?


Thanks for any and all answers to these questions.

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Mirage Factory stuff is yes, well done, but there's more, such as the Community Weapons Pack 2.52, and stuff like that. As to why it's not showing up? Check the _DATA.ini for "ARM", If none of the pylons have it, then you have to add that to the line "Attachment Type", or their not showing up because of the year (it's very stringent on that).

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Oh believe me I checked the year as well as attachment type. The missile doesn't even show up on other aircraft I have it loaded on (the F-105 for example).


For some reason, it seems to have been included without any 3D model files or stuff like that. Anyone else had this problem with the Shrike in their weps pack?

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Take the .Cat Extractor, and extract the AGM-45.LOD from the Objects.Cat and put it in the Folder (AGM-45A) that's in the Weapons Folder. See if that works....


BTW....See if the File AGM-45.INI is in there too. (In the AGM-45A Folder located in the Weapons Folder)

Edited by 331Killerbee

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Okay so I extracted the files for the Shrike from the objectfile.cat and the missile is appearing now. The weird thing is that I can only get it to appear on USAF or USN jets....not both. Should I class it as a NATO weapon?

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Okay so I extracted the files for the Shrike from the objectfile.cat and the missile is appearing now. The weird thing is that I can only get it to appear on USAF or USN jets....not both. Should I class it as a NATO weapon?

di you class it for both USAF and USN?


if class to NATO all NATO fighters will be able to carry it but if the Atachement of USAF plane has not NATO entry it will not carry the Shrike.


Hope that this helps

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I have all American aircraft in the game as NATO on all their attachment points in addition to USAF or USN depending on the plane. I've also used the weapons editor to click the boxes for NATO, USN, and USAF for the Shrike. It's still not appearing on certain planes. I'm almost out of ideas.

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Check in "That" Aircraft's_Data.INI under the Weapons Sections where the Attachment Point Information is, And see if the Aircraft's Pylons are set with the Entry: ARM (Anti-Radiation Missle) Listed under the AttachmentTypes.

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One other thing. Looking at My WeaponsData.ini, The AGM-45A/C is listed NATO and USN only. You can change this by adding a check mark with USAF. If You do, Be sure to hit "Save" in the Weapons Editor, Or it won't save the correction.


What tha...$%#@! (Incorrectly Double Posted....LOL)

Edited by 331Killerbee

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