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Installing new skins...easy

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I know most of yall know how to do this but I was reading a few other forums and I found alot of guys were having trouble. So for those of you who are having trouble heres the simplist way to do it.

after you downloaded the new file,this is my way,make a new folder(for now just leave it as new folder) and unzip your new skin into it. now lets say it's a F-4B skin so lets cut and paste the new folder into your Objects/aircraft/F-4B folder,almost there...now open the nwe folder and look at the read me that comes with it VERY IMPORTANT PART HERE look at the read me and you'll see a part that looks like this:




Name=USMC VMFA-232 Red Devils







copy this and open the ini file in the F-4b folder and add paste it there.on the top you see where it says [Texture Set00X] now just change the X for the next texture number.Now Look at the Directory look at the name there and the easiest way is to copy it and change the name on your new folder to that,if not write it downEXACTLYlike it is in the file and change the name of your folder to that.

Fire up the game and once you decide on a mission type and get to the hanger screen in the load out area in the paint scheme drop down you'll find your new colors!

Also if you want to add a new squadron in your Pilotdata folder open the squadron ini. file and if your new paint had it in the read me copy the part for the new squadron to it.It'll look like this:




DisplayName=VMFA-232 Red Devils



Once again just change the XXX to the next number.

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