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Bombers And Waypoints

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I can get AI planes to land and Take off and Travel to Waypoints and Land.

I can also get AI Bombers like the B-52 and B1B to Bomb OK.


What i am confused with and asking for advice is mixing Nav Waypoints .


For example i travel to a Waypoint.

We'll call this waypoint 3 for examples sake.

Waypoint 3 is the Attack Waypoint.

This tells the Bomber to open the Doors and travel towards the Target i have set though this could still be several Km from the Attack Waypoint.

So once it reaches the Attack waypoint the Bomber may change direction and travel many miles to bomb it.s Target.The Exact Target Coordinates is not a Waypoint'but a Target Triangle you placxe on the Map.


My problem is what to do with the Bomber after it has dropped it's load.

If i add another Waypoint this will be Waypoint 4 and will be at the end of a Straight line travelling from Waypoint 3.


It completely ignores the Target Triangle as a spot the Bomber will go to after WP3.


So if i do Waypoints and also a Target not on the Waypoint paths will the Bomber ignore the NAV Waypoint after the Attack Waypoint and travel to the Target Location?The after bombing the Target head back to the Next Nav WP?


Hope this makes sense

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