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Non-recoverable spins reconsidered...

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My heart sank when the non-recoverable spins started. I had visions of every QC ending that way just as the action got hot. Seems my fingertips have learned how to avoid those impossibly tight corners. Now it only happens when I get so fixated on my soon-to-be victim that I fail to notice that the nose is getting too high, or that I'm flat, inverted and stalling. I decided it's OFF's way of telling me that I'm not in a P-51.

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Sometimes when I am spinning and cannot regain control I find that if I throttle way back that I can recover. With engine at full in a spin I'm done for.

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...I find that if I throttle way back that I can recover.


Hasn't worked for me yet. Sometimes, just as it's starting to go, if I take my hand off the stick, the plane will settle down and recover. Sometimes it just stalls anyway, but doesn't spin. But once in the spin, there's nothing I can do.

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Hasn't worked for me yet. Sometimes, just as it's starting to go, if I take my hand off the stick, the plane will settle down and recover. Sometimes it just stalls anyway, but doesn't spin. But once in the spin, there's nothing I can do.


Throttle right back and apply opposite rudder and sometimes opposite aileron also 'helps'.



With practice you can recover from every spin (most?)







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as Winder said you are able to recover from every spin in OFF, enough altitude presumed, with every plane. It is more difficult with some planes, because the behaviour differs from plane to plane. In some spins you even have to add rudder to the direction of spinning, to get out - with others just letting the stick lose will stop it. All spins have in common you need altitude to get out .. :yes:



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All spins have in common you need altitude to get out...


Ain't that the truth! [LOL]


Allright then, throttle back smartly, apply opposite rudder...or not...lots of altitude...'think I've got it. Here we go!

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