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how to install mods

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help me pls i dont know how to install this mod :Nieuport 24bis, 1 Sqn RFC, Dec 1917


This is simply the EmlD Nieuport 24bis, modified to have British roundels on all surfaces, plus squadron marking, serials and individual letters as used by 1Sqn RFC at Bailleul in December 1917. A well known photo shows a mixture of Nieuport variants used by the squadron, with a background which looks like a good excuse for a winter terrain set.




(i) Make a copy of the N24bis texture folder FrenchCamo1 and rename it RFC.


(ii) Unzip these files into the new RFC folder, allowing overwrites.

i dont know where i get N24bis folder

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For sound: if you look in the _data.ini file you shoucd see a section that looks something like this (from the Fokker E.III):



EngineSoundName=???? <--- ???? being the name of the sound file needed, probably RotaryEngine




Have a look in the sounds folder and check if there is a file there with the same name.


If not copy one of the other engine sounds and rename it.

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ok its working but how do i use added plane in campaign

its work only in single/costum battle

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