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Landing FM and collision problems, TK please note!

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Some things I have noticed... When I am trying to land a large aircraft, like the TU-22 or AN-12 for instance, when I drop flaps to landing, the plane must be forced down to land. So much so that I cant seem to land without hitting the nosewheel first. I actually went down the strip with the nosewheel on the ground and the main gear in the air. I could NOT get it to land until a wing dropped and I crashed. Tried this several times and same result. I noticed at the same time that the wing that hits the ground partially disappeers into it with no ill effects until it is deep in the ground...(!) Isnt this called clipping?

I also noticed when I was looking at my planes on the tarmac at a large airbase, that the nosewheel didnt have a shadow. I have seen it in other peoples screens so i know it isnt just my video.

Last and most wierd was despite having collisions ON, I have yet to have one despite several times colliding with other aircraft and once a tower.

Just wanted TK to know...Thanks.

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reason for this I have found is there is no fuel weight in the cargo's. I'm working on that ..in the meantime..try landing with takeoff flaps only :lol:



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Yes, I am trying takeoff flaps and very low landing speed. This aircraft had some STOL capabilities kinda like the C130 methinks. (STOL for a very big AC, :0) ) Some planes I know you actually DO hafta force them down because of the lift generated. Thanks for the help DK... :0)

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PC try this..make your turn and final approach from a VERY low level...take off flaps,or even no flaps,and come in at an airspeed of around 100-120kts. as soon as you get over the end of the runway cut your throttle and flair..on touch down apply brakes.This is the way I've found works best,at least for me.

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