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Rick Rawlings

Bug Still?

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I finally lived long enough to collect 4 DFC's and a VC. I thought getting the same medal over and over again was a bug and had been squashed. Was it and has it? Or is it just possible to get several of the same medal?





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I finally lived long enough to collect 4 DFC's and a VC. I thought getting the same medal over and over again was a bug and had been squashed. Was it and has it? Or is it just possible to get several of the same medal?








I’m jealous. The farthest I’ve gotten is a tad over 16 hours and 2 DFC’s.



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I'm jealous. The farthest I've gotten is a tad over 16 hours and 2 DFC's.





Don't worry, I'm sure it's just a phase I am going through and I will come out of it soon and die :) Almost happened today when my wingman and I got jumped by 5 DIII's after we just finished a major fight. Fortunately we were near the ground on our side of the lines near an aerodrome and an observation balloon. The AA guys kicked them around while we made our escape! Never a dull moment!




p.s. the thrid and fourth DFC look suspiciously like the first two :haha:

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I've mentioned this in another thread, but after I installed the 1.28 Patch I earned four DFC's and a VC inside of 48 hours. And in QC!

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