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British SPG Mark VIIG Green Tracer

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I've made an attempt to recreate the British 0.303 SPG Mark VIIG tracer round that became available in late 1916, and was produced through 1938. It used a payload of 8 parts Barium Chloride and 1 part Magnesium to produce a bright greenish white trace.


The most common example of these rounds had a headstamp of KN for Kings Norton Metal Co., Birmingham, UK. This company was formed in 1890 at Kings Norton, it owned its own rolling mills and had a loading plant at Abbey wood in Kent. Cases were made in Birmingham then assembled and loaded at the Abbey Wood Factory, next to Woolwich Arsenal.




If you're interested the texture files needed are posted in the OFF Mod Download section.


*** Please make a back-up pf your originals. ***

Edited by MajorMagee

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Cool!...Will take a look at those!


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Shows both my rounds going into the parked aircraft, and the airfield AAA coming up from behind.

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