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Quite a Lady!

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Yes, she was indeed and all the other women in the services and in public life that flew.


I did get a chance to talk with Louise Thaden's son, William (Bill), here in NH for a few days. We went through family photo albums and documents of her life for a display in an aviation museum I was part of, well started.


Another very interesting women.


Thanks for posting this UK_W.




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There is something very Sexy about Women Fliers! :smile:

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I read Jackie Cochran’s autobiography quite a few years ago. I became interested in her after reading Chuck Yeager’s book. From what I remember she was a very strong willed person. Another interesting woman aviator is Pancho Barnes. Pancho and Jackie hated each other but they both were good friends with Chuck. Neither one could understand how he liked the other.



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There is something very Sexy about Women Fliers!


Too true. I fell in love at first glance at Harriet Quimby.

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Too true. I fell in love at first glance at Harriet Quimby.


Me too.. just look at the way she is holding that mast. :shok:

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With a name like 'Quimby'... I could fall in love too!!!


(perhaps we should just stop at this point?) :smile:

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With a name like 'Quimby'... I could fall in love too!!!


(perhaps we should just stop at this point?) :smile:


You guys want sexy women in cockpits? Read about the Russian women that flew in WWII!! :shok:






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As long as they don't look like the Russian Women we see at the Olympics... I'm up for summa that!!!

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