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i fight by 1

Changing Bombbay limits or change the Length and Diameter of a Bomb

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I changed the Bombbay diameter and length limit, but makes the it looks really weird when the the doors open to drop the bombs. Would it be ok to change the size of the bombs by .2 meters would that make it look good, or would it just screw up the bomb or something. Change it in Weapon Editor I mean. Oh and its with the MK81s...

Edited by i fight by 1

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INI edits like what you are mentioning won't affect the visual model at all. All it does is change the 'size' of the bomb as the sim sees it. Basically, it works like you think...the sim looks at the bomb's dimensions in the weapondata ini file and compares those numbers to the weapon station limit numbers in the aircraft data.ini. If it fits, it'll allow you to place the bomb there, if not, you can't load it (expect for possibly forcing a load using the loadout.ini file), normally won't even let you select it as an option.



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INI edits like what you are mentioning won't affect the visual model at all. All it does is change the 'size' of the bomb as the sim sees it. Basically, it works like you think...the sim looks at the bomb's dimensions in the weapondata ini file and compares those numbers to the weapon station limit numbers in the aircraft data.ini. If it fits, it'll allow you to place the bomb there, if not, you can't load it (expect for possibly forcing a load using the loadout.ini file), normally won't even let you select it as an option.




I did that :D

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