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[WCATC NOTAM] Free Server Flight Rules

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WestCoastATC Notice to Airmen (NOTAM)


Issued by John Bratcher (Executive Director), 10Oct08


Fellow Members;


You may have noticed discussions concerning flight hours on the forums here recently. I would like to bring to the attention to all members of our community the rules that are in place. Effective today these rules are going to be watched more closely and the rules will be enforced. If you have any questions please feel free to contact myself or a member of my staff. Thanks...

4.6. Flight Time on Free Servers. To ensure a fair and balanced atmosphere is maintained in

the name of good stewardship, a monthly time restriction is in effect. Similar to limitations

placed upon real-world commercial pilots, this limitation is intended to keep our pilots “honest”

when accruing hours flown online.


4.6.1. No member shall exceed 120 credited flight hours in any calendar month. A member

may fly more than 120 hours but cannot file a flight plan for time beyond 120 hours.


4.6.2. Members exceeding 120 filed flight hours in a calendar month will be suspended from

our servers for a period of 72 hours.


4.6.3. If, after the 72 hour suspension and before the month concludes, a member continues to

file for time exceeding 120 hours, the member will be denied server access for the remainder of

the month.


4.6.4. Members who repeatedly violate this restriction will be banned from further server access,

and will be required to contact a member of the Conflict Resolution Team for reinstatement.


4.6.5. The 120 hour limitation applies only to those accrued on Free Servers 1, 2, and 3. Hours

flown on the ATC and PROPS servers are not subject to, nor figured into, this regulation.

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