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[WCATC NOTAM] "Email All" feature suspended

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WestCoastATC Notice to Airmen (NOTAM)


Issued by John Bratcher (Executive Director), 08Sep07


Fellow Members;


You may have been noticing that you were not receiving emails concerning our sessions here in the last few weeks. Well do to some coding changes and a problem with our “Email All” feature we have suspended those emails until we can fix the issue. We value every available feature that allows us to communicate with our members but we want to make sure that we are doing so in an efficient and responsible manner. For now I ask that you keep an eye on our FrontPage and the calendar page for upcoming events and rest assured that we will restore this feature as well as new features as soon as possible. If you have any questions feel free to catch me on TeamSpeak or email me at john(at)westcoastatc.com. Thanks…



You may also send an email to john(at)westcoastatc.com to have your email address added to our notification list so that when a session is posted an email will be sent out.

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