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any guesses

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was goofing aroudn with one of my fav planes from ph2 thinking baout seting it up for ph3, and decided it needed some extra oomph any idea what ive added and what the may be

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I dunno. Beer? Whiskey? Fuel-Air explosives? :lol:



well i do have to make sure the doves are well taken care of, but keep guessing, (hint) would be used aorudn the water ways for those pesky u-boats

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AAAHHH! Depth Charges!


Depth Charge... isn't that a tall glass a beer with a shot glass of whiskey dropped in it?


Comon Camel, your just creatively repeating what PW said... :haha::wink:


Yeah, I vote Depth Charge. Looks really cool Stump! Well done.

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