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Need help with changing cockpits

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So, I was trying to make my A-4K Early flyable in the SF2, not hard to do that. But, when I try to change from the old series cockpit to the new one, I can't get the complete HUD.


Here's a picture of how it's in SF2:




I need help to figure out what it's happening. This is my first attempt to do this kind of stuff, though.


Thank you in advance!

Edited by pablitoVPT

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Probably missing the tgas.


Use EVERTHING from the original series, placed IN the cockpit folder, make the necessary adjustments in the cockpit ini. See how that works


What's the base HUD used? 3W F-15A????


btw, you're guns are going to be 'off center' too; you'll need to adjust the aim angles in the Kahu's data ini



kevin stein

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I'm a huge noob when it goes to cockpit. I really don't know what to check in my cockpit.


And yeah, I think the HUD is based on 3W F-15A


This is the cockpit folder:



Wich entry in the cockpit.ini I need to check to try put the HUD in order and to adjust the aim angle?


A Topic about this in the KB would be very helpfull.

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Wich entry in the cockpit.ini I need to check to try put the HUD in order


I've done this on a couple birds, but can't seem to locate them....

Looks like you've got all the bits where they should go already.


Also, a Patial mistake on my part....


In the AVIONICS ini, you'll need all the HUD entries from the Eagles cockpit ini. Look at the stock Eagle avionics for guidelines. Also, the F-4E_AUP, F-4EJKai, the Phantom FGR.3, the A-4AR FightingHawk (albeit with Julheim' Kestral pit...and a mix-match of A-10 and F-15 bits), TMF's F-16 -which, if you haven't already done so, have a 'fix' for the GM radar, WoI's F-16s ....


Since the avionics70.dll was fixed in the 08 patch, don't forget the add the GM radar sections


and to adjust the aim angle?


reread my post above --- the aircraft's DATA ini, in the guns section. You'll need to add a line to EACH gun statement:




or something similiar. The statemenet above will raise the angle 1.5 meters. Adjust as needed (probably down a bit) to get them through the center dot.


And you'll probably be adjusting the 'size' of the sights/HUD, but that's easily done in that {Gunsight} section



kevin stein

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Wrench, thanks. I made some adjusts to the HUD, isn't complete, but far more than before!



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