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**********AV8B+/DA SF2 VERSION ReadME********************








Main contractor: bobrock

FM and loadout advisors: triplethr3at, X-Ray

Santa’s little beta testers and supporters: Canadair, Erikgen, Nghengo, Silverbolt, Souk

A special thanks goes to the people on CombatAce, Column5 and Thirdwire message boards who shared

their knowledge and passion over these years and to Thirdwire Productions for creating such an enjoyable

series of games.

If you encounter any problem installing or using this mod you can get in touch with me on CombatAce

forum or send me an email.

mail & msn: file404@tiscali.it

May 2008



Simply extract contents of AV-8BDA_SF2 folder into your MOD folder.





Original readme, and detailed PDF included in the archive.


SF2 conversion done by USAFMTL/Dave with small additions by me.




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