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OT: Any of you folks play GPL?

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Hi all-

I've been playing OFF now for about a month, and am amazed at the depth of this flight sim. I played RB and RB3D way back when. I look forward to an hour flying these canvas crates after the kids go to bed every night!


My question is whether anyone else here played (drove) Grand Prix Legends. For anyone who doesn't know, GPL was a simulation of the 1967 F1 season. No driver aids, no safety devices(not even seat belts), no telemetry, just you and your car. It had an incredibly high learning curve but the first time you could lap the Nurburgring in under 9 minutes (or even complete a lap without crashing) there was a tremendous sense of accomplishment. A similar feeling, I suppose, to logging 17 hours in OFF without dying (I haven't done that yet). I was really into this sim a few years back, essentially went from RB3D to GPL. I built a new computer about 6 months ago and never reinstalled GPL, as there were so many mods, improvements, etc that I didn't want to take the time.


The more I fly OFF, the more I think of GPL and the similarities. Both are from obscure eras, developed and improved by people as a labor of love, and played by people who are looking for something other than a quick fix, who really want to immerse themselves in a simulation dealing with a time and place where pilot (driver) skill trumped technology.


Cheers to all, I'm having a great time with this simulation and look forward to further developments.

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I did have it..(indeed probably still do somewhere)..it was good fun..and reminded me of those Annuals I used to get for Christmas

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I did have it..(indeed probably still do somewhere)..it was good fun..and reminded me of those Annuals I used to get for Christmas



Pardon my ignorance, but what is an Annual?

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Hi Badgerboy.


Sorry...this is what I meant...they were comic book stories, made into a yearly hardcover (usually for the Christmas market)


Pic 2 is exactly the pic I was talking about!...great days!


OMG...this has brought back memories!!...I had several of those!!...bloody hell!



Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Hi all-

I've been playing OFF now for about a month, and am amazed at the depth of this flight sim. I played RB and RB3D way back when. I look forward to an hour flying these canvas crates after the kids go to bed every night!


My question is whether anyone else here played (drove) Grand Prix Legends. For anyone who doesn't know, GPL was a simulation of the 1967 F1 season. No driver aids, no safety devices(not even seat belts), no telemetry, just you and your car. It had an incredibly high learning curve but the first time you could lap the Nurburgring in under 9 minutes (or even complete a lap without crashing) there was a tremendous sense of accomplishment. A similar feeling, I suppose, to logging 17 hours in OFF without dying (I haven't done that yet). I was really into this sim a few years back, essentially went from RB3D to GPL. I built a new computer about 6 months ago and never reinstalled GPL, as there were so many mods, improvements, etc that I didn't want to take the time.


The more I fly OFF, the more I think of GPL and the similarities. Both are from obscure eras, developed and improved by people as a labor of love, and played by people who are looking for something other than a quick fix, who really want to immerse themselves in a simulation dealing with a time and place where pilot (driver) skill trumped technology.


Cheers to all, I'm having a great time with this simulation and look forward to further developments.


Welcome to the forum Badger!


Yes, I was another one of those gaming junkies that played both RBII/3D and GPL. Sierra was really publishing some great software back then - in their pre-deer hunter days.


GPL runs pretty well on my new Vista rig, but to be honest with you, I wound up roaming to some other newer racing sims. GT Legends by Simbin and GTR2 are the two I play most frequently when I'm not flying over the front, or downing bombers in IL2. GTR2 has a great mod called Power and Glory which models the sports and prototype cars of the late 1960's. Phase 3 (sound familiar? lol) of P&G2 will be modeling cars of the 1970s (including the Porsche 917 made famous by Steve McQueen's "Le Mans".) Speaking of Le Mans, if you dig long tracks (and by being a GPL player, I'd guess you are) there is an amazing Le Mans track modeled after the 1970s era. I've been racing a Porsche 906 in the 24 Hours in my spare time and I'm enjoying it immensely.


We've had a bit of a drought, but I'd say we're in the thick of some great sim development these days. It feels like the late 1990s again!



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Hi, Badger, and welcome!

I must still have Gradn Rix Legends somewhere. But I didn't come to grips with it too well

(not the sim's fault - I'm a motorbiker, and as I couldn't lean into my curves, I always zoomed

into the pebbles). But those racing cars - beautiful!

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Welcome Badger,

Yes love GPL and still play it (although heavily modded). It runs great and looks better on my Vista 64 system then it ever did before. Papyrus did an excellent job with all the race sims they produced.... they are sorely missed. Some people don't care for GPL because it's an old sim and does not have all the eye candy todays race sims have, even though it looks fairly good despite it's age (modded). It's not an easy sim to master and the learning curve is steep. Some don't care for the games time set but the major appeal for me always has been it's what I remember when growing up. It's what open wheel racing was like before it got castrated, which was necessary, way to many driver deaths...something like 15 just in the 1967 season alone.

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Hi Badgerboy.


Sorry...this is what I meant...they were comic book stories, made into a yearly hardcover (usually for the Christmas market)


Pic 2 is exactly the pic I was talking about!...great days!


OMG...this has brought back memories!!...I had several of those!!...bloody hell!




I had/have GPL, don't think I ever completed a lap in it. I did enjoy launching the cars from armco ramps though. :biggrin:


Used to love those annuals too. I still have a 1963 Eagle annual, with Dan Dare in it.

Edited by Siggi

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I had/have GPL, don't think I ever completed a lap in it. I did enjoy launching the cars from armco ramps though. :biggrin:


Used to love those annuals too. I still have a 1963 Eagle annual, with Dan Dare in it.


Funny you should mention launching cars in GPL Siggi. In GPL I have the Monza track mod based on the J Frankenheimer film Grand Prix. I'm a little ashamed to admit I spent quite a few hours trying to recreate Sarti's wreck from that film :rolleyes: . Way too much time on my hands :biggrin: .

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Funny you should mention launching cars in GPL Siggi. In GPL I have the Monza track mod based on the J Frankenheimer film Grand Prix. I'm a little ashamed to admit I spent quite a few hours trying to recreate Sarti's wreck from that film :rolleyes: . Way too much time on my hands :biggrin: .



You guys mean this one...



Awesome game when modded... :good:


Hard to drive though



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Thanks for the kind words, guys.


Sopwith- I've got GTR2 and enjoyed it, I'll have to try the sports car mod, especially when the early 70s mod comes out. I've got a 'Team Gulf' bumper sticker on my WRX so you know where my loyalties lie (can't afford a Porsche :biggrin: ).


Thanks for the info on the Annuals, Widowmaker- great link.


OvS-One of the best things about GPL was always the user-created movies; that's a great one. Never made it around the Isle of Man in one piece :blink:

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Thanks for the kind words, guys.


Sopwith- I've got GTR2 and enjoyed it, I'll have to try the sports car mod, especially when the early 70s mod comes out. I've got a 'Team Gulf' bumper sticker on my WRX so you know where my loyalties lie (can't afford a Porsche :biggrin: ).


Thanks for the info on the Annuals, Widowmaker- great link.


OvS-One of the best things about GPL was always the user-created movies; that's a great one. Never made it around the Isle of Man in one piece :blink:


Isle of Man was my favorite track... I got halfway decent with it... but never good enough to win a race. To me, getting around any track in GPL witout crashing was a major achievement!


I loved that movie just for the 'finding a '67 GP Racecar.. and no one is around'... that's classic!

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You guys mean this one...



Awesome game when modded... :good:


Hard to drive though



Yes thats it (I prefer the Ford/Lotus myself :biggrin: ). Yes it's is a hard game to master or even to be just descent in, it's a lot like OFF BHaH in that aspect and like GPL I think BHaH will be on my HD for years to come just because of that.

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Yes thats it (I prefer the Ford/Lotus myself :biggrin: ). Yes it's is a hard game to master or even to be just descent in, it's a lot like OFF BHaH in that aspect and like GPL I think BHaH will be on my HD for years to come just because of that.


I loved driving the Lotus, although in my humble estimation the 1967 Eagle-Westlake was the most beautiful race car ever built, equivalent to the Albatros (or a Spitfire) I suppose. Gotta love a V12 engine.

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Hi all-

I've been playing OFF now for about a month, and am amazed at the depth of this flight sim. I played RB and RB3D way back when. I look forward to an hour flying these canvas crates after the kids go to bed every night!


My question is whether anyone else here played (drove) Grand Prix Legends. For anyone who doesn't know, GPL was a simulation of the 1967 F1 season. No driver aids, no safety devices(not even seat belts), no telemetry, just you and your car. It had an incredibly high learning curve but the first time you could lap the Nurburgring in under 9 minutes (or even complete a lap without crashing) there was a tremendous sense of accomplishment. A similar feeling, I suppose, to logging 17 hours in OFF without dying (I haven't done that yet). I was really into this sim a few years back, essentially went from RB3D to GPL. I built a new computer about 6 months ago and never reinstalled GPL, as there were so many mods, improvements, etc that I didn't want to take the time.


The more I fly OFF, the more I think of GPL and the similarities. Both are from obscure eras, developed and improved by people as a labor of love, and played by people who are looking for something other than a quick fix, who really want to immerse themselves in a simulation dealing with a time and place where pilot (driver) skill trumped technology.


Cheers to all, I'm having a great time with this simulation and look forward to further developments.


yeah, i got that sim, and the learning curve is tough, i re install it every now and then when i feel like destroying a bunch of virtual cars and virtual landscape, lol

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Was happy to read in your post that you also ride motorcycles. I thought you'd comment when I posted the pic of my bike in your "American Dream" thread (well, it's not my bike, but the exact same model and colour).

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Still have GPL installed modded with HiRes cars and so on and still think it is one of the best racing sims ever. The Eagle is my favourite car.

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