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Looking for a few good missions

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thanks to madmatt, vasco and winston, we are now playing historical campaign missions in multiplayer.


So if anyone flys a campaign mission and they want to share the mission with us Vasco has written up a quick "how to" which i am quoting below.


Important things to know. When you do another campaign, it overwrites the last campaign saved, so if you fly something "noteable" you have to copy it out of the folder and into another folder before running another mission.


There is no need to worry about any of the editing mentioned below. Just post the xml file for the mission, along with a brief description of the mission, and someone will make all the changes so it is a flyable mission in multiplayer.


Naturally, you all more than welcome to join us in multiplayer to fly these historical campaign missions.




Not that I've found, but as that's how I'm creating the online campaigns I'll tell you how I do it:


1. Start offline campaign in OFF

2. Fly mission (or start the mission up and exit while still on the ground

3. Exit OFF

4. Locate the file entitled "OFF_Camp_Mission.xml" in the OBDSoftware/CFSWWI Over Flanders Fields/missions/historical folder

5. Copy file and paste it into the OBDSoftware/CFSWWI Over Flanders Fields/missions/training folder

6. Rename file using any format you like - I use <Squadron Name><Date/Time>. For the date and time I open the OFF_Camp_Mission.xml file with Notepad and copy the date/time from the header text

7. Open the file in the Over Flanders Fields Mission Builder

8. The opening screen should show the players flight - make any tweaks you want to make to the mission here. I usually enable all the aircraft on the players side flyable by choosing the version with the '*' at the end of its name (these aircraft have cockpits)

9. Save mission, invite friends and run it in MP


You can create an entire MP campaign in this fashion by flying missions in an offline campaign and editing the mission file as described above.


Simple! :good:

Edited by sitting_duck

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