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Thunder At Sea After Action Report

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When you get a few moments, please visit the link provided to my website and its "TAS AAR" page. Its actually been up for awhile but I didnt post it, as a writer for a gaming website said he wanted to use it in his monthly article. Well, he didnt so I feel ok with putting it out myself. I wish I could have gotten a few more screens of the action. I couldnt beleive all the shell splashes when I first ran into the Brits. My big goof was making the choice to try a run past the Faroes. My victory was saving my butt alive and nailing a Brit ship in the process.


Thunder at Sea is an addon released by Naval Warfare Simulations for the game Fighting Steel. They sell FS for $10 and TAS for $24 at their store. I have really gotten back into this game now. A lot of fun.


My AAR can be found HERE! Then just click the TAS AAR link on the left. Let me know what you think.

Edited by pcpilot

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