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For some reason targets such as Headquarter Buildings, and comm buildings aren't showing up. I'm assuming it's a LOD file problem, but any suggestions?



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to be checking cat pointer line in the terrains main ini ... the HQBuilding1 and CommBuilding1 are stock items in ALL terrain cats. (if an add on terrain)


If that dosn't fix the issue, then perhap its something with the terrain height map ... if there's too much of an angle (or slope) in the local region, terrain object building will sink into them.


Also, might help to know WHICH terrain????



kevin stein

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This mainly happens in the Libya, IsraelME, and Israel 2 terrains.


As for the cat file what exactly is the story with fixing that, I'm just not familiar with alot of this "Technical" stuff.



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IsrealME is a stock terrain, so I can't help ya there...unless you'r missing the IsrealME.cat from the terrain folder??? Which is damn near impossible, unless you didn't copy it over to which ever install you're using (you never said if it's WoI or what....


Re-read the readme for Lybia, all is explained inside. For Isreal2, (also, WHICH version -- Gepards original or my targets upgrade???)


Any terrain or terrain mod I do has an EXCEPTIONALLY detailed read me ... and the instructions really aren't that techincal


This from the Lybia terrain's readme, on "Selecting the Proper Cat File"


-Selecting the Proper CAT file to use:


Right now, as stated, it's set up to use the WoE GermanyCE.cat, but it should run in any version of the game, providing you use the correct cat pointer. It should even work in WoI (although I've not tested this), using either the Desert, VietnamSEA or GermanyCE cats.


--For SF & WoV users:


Open the Libya.ini in your text editor of choice....

As you can see in the example below, copied directly from the Libya.ini, all the needed cat pointer lines are listed, just not activated















You'll note the commented out lines for SF Desert.cat, and WoV's VietnamSEA.cat. You just simply 'uncomment' them - remove the double slashes (//), and add them to the Desert line. It should look like the examples below:


For SF:






Same thing for WoV users, but using the Vietnam cat:






If you are installing this terrain into WoI, you =MUST= have one of the other 3 terrain's folders in you WoI install's Terrain folder. Then, just select the cat file for that terrain.


You shouldn't have any problems getting it to work.... if you do, you've simply not followed instructions. I can't make it any simpler than that.



kevin stein

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sandstorm the previous night covered the buildings in sand.

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Thanks for your help. Yeah a quick reinstall of the terrains fixed it.

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