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geek questions and wish list

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Just geek questions: I was wondering if the default aircraft in the jastas were marked in the sqn markings of the time or hap hazardly marked ? ( they look so cool ) 2. Can the sound files in the game be modified I saw and heard a Vickers 303 cal and a maxim 8mm cal machine guns firing on U tube and thought of this game How big of a task wood it be to change the files ? Lastly, Can the mods of the german aircraft in the forum be used in the game i.e., the two mods from The Blue Max Film. :yes:


Wish list flyable aircraft:


N10 and any of the early French two seaters.

Fokker D-II and D-III s :rofl:

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Geek answers #1. Yes the markings are accurate to the time. #2. I don't know but probably. #3. That is the purpose of the mods. To be downloaded and flown by you and your sqad/jasta mates.

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Mods to be flown? Where are they?

Ach, why should I care - I have a long time relationship with one good lady;

why should I break in another?

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