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Life - What Makes You Happy?

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The 15 minutes or so i get with my youngest son Jesse (2 yrs old next month) as im quietly padding around at 05.30 getting ready for work,he's always awake and waits quietly by his door-gate for me to come past.The hug and look of unconditional love he shares with me before the pandemonium of the day begins, sets me up for the day.


My other son Joe (4 yrs),he's a carbon copy of me (poor boy!)


Their Mother,one day i'll marry her.


The Universe. My quote in life is...."Have faith,and the universe will provide",has got me through so far.


Getting a lay-in occasionally.


My car '86 Capri 2.0ltr Pinto,and the blood,sweat n' tears that went into it.


The great CA,best online community ive ever had the pleasure of being a part of.

.........oh and flying of course!

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Ive come to find a lot of peace in my relationship with God over the years. I truely love him. The simple things in life have become even more of a pleasure. When things take a turn for the difficult or the confusion and noise of this insane world we've built becomes too much, I have a refuge. He gave me my life back and blessed it with a good job, a good home, and a lovely wife whom I adore. I dont have much but I am content and glad for what I have. I follow Solomons advice to give everything its time and place so I dont worry or fret. And Paul the apostle's advice was good too... "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."


After that, I love the sea. Ive was born a seaman and always will be. Riding my cruiser with my wife on the back down a winding road thru the mountains or plains of Montana, a sunset after a long, hot day, sitting with my wife in bead watching a movie eating popcorn, watching her tend her garden or walking past me on some errand, listening to her voice on the phone when Im away, feeling her warmth on a cold winter night as she lies next to me. Fishing with a good friend, having a beer and watching a football game and yelling when the Chargers finally do something right. Hiking in the back country with my dog...living life...



Edited by pcpilot

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Aside from my wife and daughter... whom I both love dearly....


My 66 Nova Wagon....


And this.... this and more of this...(those are the Jets in their blue NY Titans "throwback" uniforms killing Chris Johnson) :drinks:






Edited by OvS

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sketching,painting,singing and even 3d modelling.anything thats creative makes me happy.


being with my parents listening to my national anthem also makes me happy.





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My son... as my wife left me for my former best friend and my dad just died.....no job...ect yeah lifes great.... but i would never trade a min with my son for anything

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Well let's see,


Being allowed to live this long and being able to work happily with the job that I have for the past 31yrs, and counting. (YIKES! has it been that long?)

My first and only house, playing with several different flight sims and last but not least, watching the NFL. :drinks:



A simple world for a simple man

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