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Question Regarding Jasta 11

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Did any aircraft from the Flying Circus survive the war and make it into museum somewhere?


I wonder where so many of these wonderful skins come from, and how authentic are they? Are there good colour photos anywhere?


I don't just mean the flying circus, but generally.


Bit like Scottish Tartans, bar a few recorded in portraits, most were reinvented by the Victorians. (Most true tartans were lost because you could be hung for wearing them).

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I recall reading somewhere that the Fokker DVIIs were supposed to be given to the Frogs as 'reparations'. I also read that Goering's Jasta flew to Darmstadt where they destroyed their aircraft by taxying them into hangars and other buildings.

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I recall reading somewhere that the Fokker DVIIs were supposed to be given to the Frogs as 'reparations'.  I also read that Goering's Jasta flew to Darmstadt where they destroyed their aircraft by taxying them into hangars and other buildings.

Right and Strassburg, according to Greg vanWyngarden in the Osprey series     




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One of MvR's DrI's was hung in a museum in Berlin after the Great War, but was destroyed in a raid in Round 2.


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Same with one of his Alb D.Vs, purported to be D.2059/17; it was overpainted and thus the serial number cannot be seen in the museum photos. However, that machine did have the same diamond-shaped external stiffeners near the horizontal elevators that was common with second production batch D.Vs near the D.2000 range, as can be seen on the in-field photos of D.2059/17 at Marckebeke. Not absolute proof, but more of a walk/quacks-like-a-duck sort of thing.

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Right and Strassburg, according to Greg vanWyngarden in the Osprey series


I hate to disagree with the Osprey series, but the reason I remembered this was that I was using ADABAS/NATURAL at the time and their headquarters are in Darmstadt (Software AG). But what I read could have been wrong. These things stick in your mind, like the mention of an airfield at Fismes where some of my wife's relations farm. Maybe the field was on their farm as it is in a likely place. There is no airfield there now.


It seems that the French were only interested in the DVIIs from the other aircraft that survived.

Edited by JimAttrill

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