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Guest Eject

Follow Up To My Previous SOS to Wrench and Dave

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Guest Eject

:salute:Especially to Wrench, and Suso5, as well as Dave for his INFO. I refer to this:


Wrence or Dave Help Please If You Are Available Weapons Loads For Leader and Wingmen and Squadron Differed

Without going into details, attach you will find my "finding," and PART of the solution to the alleged ANOMALIES in Suso5's Su-27SH-PH (I might have misquoted the Su-27 complete name, Kindly check it out elsewhere here in CA the Su-27 mod by Suso05). C u all later guys, and my sincere gratitude for ur kind attention, and patience.:salute:


I am mystified as to WHY I can no more upload the attachment. It is URGENT one dear Admin. Must be back later mates... Got no choice but I shall have to e-mail the attachment to Wrench and Admin. Thanks This SUBJECT I raised reminds me of a member, senior one, who some two weeks ago wrote regarding LAZINESS in modding. I my self am not a modder, tho, I swear, I hope to be on par with Wrench for example as modder in near future. Gotta learn a lot, definitely. Regard to Dave and Suso5.


ALERT! The complete name os the Su-27 is Su-27SM-AP. Here is the file in CA for DL

File Name Su-27 additional Pylons v1.2 by 76.IAP-Blackbird user_popup.png I first ued following the DL. Later on, I DL an other recommended by Suso5 in his post with a LINK of his upload, forgot the Link name. Hey hey, where can I find Admin's e-mal please??


Edited by Eject

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