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Great fraps on fire

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Isn't FraPs great? A tiP maybe tho. Pause for your screenies by hitting P on the keyboard. Maybe remove the Tac for the Pic shot. Also if you want you can zoom-in and out with [ and ]. I try to take the Pic when the flashing Pause sign is off. Sorry to sound critical or be the PomPus ass. The more you use fraPs and the view features within OFF the more fun you will have. Using fraPs is like a hobby within a sim for me. Best wishes, Jim

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i just recently tried fraps, and when acitvating it during flying my fps drop to about 5. as soon as i deactivate the recording again it jumps back to normal figures. any idea?

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i just recently tried fraps, and when acitvating it during flying my fps drop to about 5. as soon as i deactivate the recording again it jumps back to normal figures. any idea?


Most people in that are doing it at 1/2 size of your screen to it takes alot less memory and cycles to eat up what your game wants to use. run it at 1/2 size of screen and I think it will work better for you and looks great.


As someone said above.... its an art thing. I have many pilots worried about the shotand crashed before many times.

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