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Dr1 info

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Hey all ... Been doing alot of Dr1 flying solo and im really seeing a few things that I wanted to share as well as ask for others to add their own info here as well. This will be kind of an on going online Plane data base perhaps.


1) The Dr1 drove me nuts for a while with the way its wants to twist into the ground or flip over and spin/tumble to your death. Very easy to have this happen when just starting on this plane as a new pilot.


2) I am finding its more the prolonged twisting that seems to cause this problem. I started flying the plane like a dirt race car and thrown it around real fast and let let up on the stick and the plane will not tend to stall.


3) I saw a show on A&E about the fight between Voss and the SE5 squad. I know for sure they had the CAD system set up to look cool but I saw the DR1 makes a few moves there and I always wanted to have a WWI game that would let me do them. Its a 180deg spin and return fire move. I have found the Dr1 to be able to do this and barely lose airspeed. Granted I can only get it to work when im really slow so it leads to dying alot if you dont do it right. it's a controlled turn and you want to the plane to stall in the spin. As soon as you see the spin let up on the stick and it will flip right around and stable to head right back at them.


4) Tail swimming seems to be an amazing way to treat this plane. I have been throwing th tail really hard to slide around and the plane wont hardly stall. it seems to work better for me than smooth turns were doing. It seems to be the prolonged use of control surfaces degrade more than I expected so I noticed they dont work as fast when used hard but very quick.


5) Always get above them before I fight.... If you get above an enemy in this plane theres not to many reasons to not go home alive. If I take my time and be methodical I can take almost any AI plane down. My rushing to kill and stupidy do me in 75% of the time.


6) Never try and dive for very long .... things fall off, the plane stops responding and you start floating like a leaf. I come down to about 500 above them and then go for the kill. Slow seems to be where this plane shines anyways.


One thing bad I see... this plane will tumble end over end in a stall. it will floatstraight down if you DONT come out of your hammer head in time. This usually leads to dying. I have not found a way out from rev rudder and forwad stick or anything not even auto level helped.


I know we all fly differently so if you see things differently I encourage you to thorw in some ideas on this plane as well. I am more than willing to look at new ideas. I also alot of you know this sim way better than I do so please speak up. :good:

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great info firecage. But its kinda like reading a book about playing tennis...and expecting to go out and kick ass...


how about setting up an mp session, where you can teach us "hands on"

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great info firecage. But its kinda like reading a book about playing tennis...and expecting to go out and kick ass...


how about setting up an mp session, where you can teach us "hands on"


If I am online just ask and we can go get er dun...

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