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G'day again...


2 Sorties.


First the good news Lt Smithson it turns out took an early bath and got out before his jet peeled into the sea...


Sortie One.


Strike on a Fort


2 A-4G Mk-82 Snakeyes 2 Aim-9B Centre Tank


Take off was nice and smooth but far too early in the morning for my liking... But a few snorts of Oxygen cleared the old noggin... Anyway one in the air we settled on our longest flight yet. No approaching across the beach in and out style we went for the enter from inland move. Anyway the flight was so quiet I nearly fell asleep... We even had a flight of Mirages to cover for us!!! Anyway target area came up went in dropped my 6 Snakeye´s and got outta there my wingie dropped shortly after me and we flattened the place!!! Both jets came home successfully to find that Lt Smithson was propping up the bar in medical rather well. Oh I got my promotion to Sub-Lt.


Sortie Two.




2 A-4G 4 Aim-9H (We got a resupply today with these new toys)


We got pulled from another strike sortie and placed on Alert 5 expecting nothing but so far nothing is not happening. After waiting 45 minutes we got the launch order so off we went. Take off and join-up in 3 minutes not bad... I thought anyway. GCI direct and we realised that the Indos are using their Sabres for attack now. Anyway we went buster in other words 520knots at 10000ft after them we caught them and they where cruising along at 1500ft or so and nicely painted against the sea so we rocketed down at them and I fired my first sidewinder at a mile and it looked good but the tracking went on it and it went aimless... The Sabre though had a meeting with a quick burst of 20mm and down he went. My wingie at this point was between a rock and a hard place he was chasing a Sabre with one chasing him and too far for me to get with my guns so I advised him I would fire a sidewinder. I got a perfect track and the rear Sabre lost his rear end and the front Sabre had a few problems with 20mm shattering a wing... thats 3 down wheres the last one... OH FECK coming straight at me firing his guns I returned fire and this time he got lucky and I didnt blew the tail off my Jet and down I went managed to eject before the jet went into a flat spin... and Today I took an early bath. The rescue chopper got to me about an hour later only to find that they had another pilot on board they had picked up the Rear Sabre driver... back to the Ship and he went off to the brig and I went to join Lt Smithson in Medical for the medicinal brandy. Apart from leaving work early today I was okay...

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Well last night 2 more sorties...


Sortie 1,


Armed Recce...


2 A-4G Rocket pods 2 Sidewinders Centreline tank


Reports had come in of a truck convoy heading over the mountains down towards the coast. We where tasked to go hit it thats if we could find it in the Jungle!!!... Anyway Take off nothing special but flying a lightly loaded scooter of the pointy end of the boat is always fun. Headed in okay without any problems and proceeded to look for the convoy the radar was no use so had to rely on a visual sighting as if that would happen... Anyway once in the area the convoy was last located we picked up some small arms fire from a couple of light guns so we headed in to rocket them instead at least it wouldn´t be a waste of jet fuel, when my wingie picked up some moving targets on his Radar and we went to investigate and we found 3 trucks moving at about 30 mph and all of them carrying SA-2 Rockets. So we split and I rolled in while my wingman covered me I fired both pods and took out all three trucks. We couldn´t find anything else so we rolled off and head back to the boat. Where I for once got a good landing... looks like I got my groove as they say...


Sortie 2


Flak Suppression.


2 A-4G Rockets and AGM-45´s


Okay the afternoon run in the heat was a lot of a nightmare. Number one the heat meant we had to fly light no centre tank and only rockets and shrikes not a good start. Anyway take off was more of a stagger into the air type... Join up and climbed to 15000ft to help the jets out was a bit of a struggle we where only 60 miles or so out from the target area and as soon as we where 20 miles out we picked out the target all on a mountain top not good at all as there was a town with an airfield about 10 miles away with an SA-2 Sam site. Life got interesting to say the least. We rolled in and the FANSONG painted me and the battery fired a pair of missiles thankfully I was lined up on the FANSONG just in case so I loosed a shrike and headed for the jungle. The SAM´s missed me and I missed the FANSONG so I hit it with rockets and then zoom climbed back to height while my wingman took out a triple a site. Unfortunately Wingie took a few rounds of 23mm from a Shilka and he staggered off pouring smoke, he banged out cleanly and was picked up by one of our Seakings on station. I went back to the Radar site and hit it with my remaining rockets taking out the guns on the site but taking a few hits myself as I cleared the area I noticed a flash of silver as a Mig-21 came up to play. Here´s me in a shot up jet and this joker comes up to cause me more problems he was on my six quickly and he fired an Atoll at about 1.5 miles which I evaded with ease I headed down to the deck as usual as some of the damage was causing problems with my control of the jet so low level egress it was the mig followed me down and fired the second Atoll at 1.5 miles again another dodge was done and the missile hit the sea. The mig though carried on closing so I turned into him as fast as I could and fired a quick hope like hell burst at him which connected with his port wing down he went with flames coming out of him. After that I headed for the boat. Landing was to my surprise another good one. Thought what the chiefy of the jet said about me bringing it back all holey and it was now only fit for use on Sundays... said is not exactly printable...


My Wingman for the sortie is injured and was flown back to the mainland as he picked up a couple of chunks of metal in his leg doc said he should be fine after a few weeks. And I got promoted to Lieutant.

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Hey Stingray, you're a 1st class Ram :good:


Slarti, it's good to see you back in flight.



17th mission


Capt Sean Rosewood


87th FIS, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim – F-106A Delta Dart




Take off : 0.33 – Landing : 01.16


Target : Erding, Intercept


2 Yak-28


Denver 11 : Capt Sean Rosewood


Denver 12 : 2Lt Norman Howerton


Report :


That night I was on alert with Norman. And this time they went out.


Intercept near Erding air base. It’s quite a long run and I don’t like that.


We took off full AB. My first mistake was to lock on “something” that wasn’t our target, once again. Control told us our interception course but it took few minutes for them to answer because there were many flights calling, and I went a little to the north to keep the lock.


Then, we arrive near Erding and I slowed down to manage fuel consumption. A moment later control asked us to hurry as the target, a flight of bombers was reaching Erding perimeter. I pushed hard full AB, but it was too late. The two Yak-28 dropped their bombs over Erding. I had a lock on them but we were too far to launch our missiles. The call from control was explicit “RTB immediately”.


It was too much asking. I reached minimum launching range and fired two AIM-4Fs. After a flight of thirty seconds, the Falcon hit the Yak-28. Few seconds later I shot my third AIM-4F and an AIM-26B and the wingman was downed too.


We went back to Wiesbaden. Discussing simply as friends, Norman explained to me that theoretically we wasn’t supposed to shoot at those bandits but nobody blamed me for that, we were criticized for our slowness.


post-46431-069152700 1278972256.jpg

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Okay 2 Sorties... from Yesterday...


Sortie 1


Strike hit an Aircraft Hangar


2 A-4G


1 Loaded with 2 x AGM-62 6 Rockeyes 2 Aim-9H


2 Loaded with 8 Mk-82´s 2 Aim-9H


Take off was set for 8am great I dont like mornings... 8am and there we are both lined up on the Cat for launch and off we go climbed up to 10000ft and checked the weather few clouds and a blue sky bit warm though... Flight plan was a straight in and out. Roughly 80 miles to the beach followed by 20 miles dodging Clouds of Rock and then roll in and hit the target. All went perfect no one intercepting us at all... This was too perfect... at about 6 miles I locked the Hangar and rolled in slight nose down and dropped the Walleye at around 4.5nm perfect guidance all the way in one times hangar destroyed... Then the Dreaded SAM LAUNCH came up... Not good turns out there was an SA-6 battery down there awaiting us but they mis-timed their launch but they nailed my number 2 dead square no chute nothing but bits of wreckage left to fall to the ground. I reefed around and aquired the radar van and lined up some misery for them and fired the remaining AGM-62 at them which hit bullseye as well. Thats one Radar that wont cause any more problems... At this point the light blues turned up and proceeded to work the SAM Battery over me I went back to the Airfield and destroyed all the aircraft that where parked up with either guns or Rocks... gained me 3 Hercules and 6 Helo's I then headed for home alone... Trap was straight forward followed by debrief...


Sortie 2




2 A-4G


4 Aim-9H


Take off was later afternoon 15:45. Straight off the cat and heading to the intercept point which was over 200miles away stupid I know but hey what can we do apart from the light blues job... Anyway we managed to jump the strike that was coming in 50 miles out from their target and after a brief flurry 4 T-33´s end up in the drinkonly for their escort which turned up late to bounce us 8 Avon Sabres not good our own Jets used against us... Anyway dogfight ensued and we where outnumbered and outgunned but we fought like lions those guys knew they had to fly nearly 400 miles back to their base where as we could land at the nearest airbase 50 miles away if fuel was a problem. I managed to bag 3 Sabres in this shindig all with guns my wingie in this though got his get blown out from under him, as he said 30mm does make a bit of a mess of ones jet... My advice is to avoid everything as it usually ruins your day... Anyway he was snatched up by Motor boat and was back on board before 21:00...


So today has been a good day but also a bad day... Will remember to bring the photo's next time...

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Glad to see things getting busy again. I've been out of aciton for a while since my joysick is pretty worn out and it couldn't handle the sharp manuvers that were needed in a Spad. Especially with the awesome WOV Gold flak!


So i've decided to get back in the WOE skies again.




Th flight consisted of myself, 1LT Carlyle Simmonds, 1LT Stuart Mass, and 2LT Charles Hirsch.


Fo our first sortie we drew a CAP so i decided on a high altitude approach to get the advantage and save fuel. Takeoff and assemblley was pretty routine, except the Hirsch seemed to have some problem closing up and so it took him some time before he got in his slot.


As expected, there was a lot of activity going on. We listened to a number of fights going on and thankfully, it seems like we are getting the better of the Reds. Ground Control was giving us good info and cleared us to engage a number of times. Instead, we carried on knowing that there would certainly be enemy planes over our assigned area.


About 25 miles out we began a gradual descent to jump enemy planes tha we knew were ahead. At 20,000ft, Mass tallyhoed some MIG 17s climbing up to meet us and the fight was on! Still in a dive, we dropped tanks and made our moves. The first Mig i saw i also assigned to Simmonds, hoping that we should be able to get him quick. As it turned out, i got him within seconds. Still in a climb, he passed by me so i pulled the stick up and immelmaned. Sure enough, there he was! He was engaging Simmonds, and so was at about 1 O clock slightly low and i got the sights on him. A quick burst of 20mm and his left wing was a goner.


Quickly choosing another MIG, i got into a good position, but was a little too far for guns and too close for the missles. I thought i got lucky when it seemed the MIG was slowing down and and i was closing fast. In fact, i had to hit the speed brake to keep from overunning.


The situation quickly changed. Simmonds called out that he was hit. Ss i slammed the throttle forward and whipped the plane around, i could see we were in in big trouble. Another flight of MIG-17s had shown up and jumped us good.


There was only one thing to do and that was run for it! Calling for everyone to form on me, i dropped the nose and went plumetting downward. Levelling off at 5,000ft a desperate chase began. LT Mass called that he was taking damage but i couldn't turn to see. It took about 30 miles for the MIGs to give the chase so i called for us to go back to altitude.


Unfortunatly, only LT Hirsch met up and so i decided to take us home.



Lt Mass was taken POW. LT Simmonds is MIA

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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I one day i'm going to go back and count how many pilots i had that didn't make it past 10 missions!


Anyways, We were on another CAP and i took two flights this time. We bounced some MIG19s that were our primary targets and really went after them. Unfortunatly, in the dogfight that followed 2 LT Patrick Simmons collided with a MIG. A chute was seen but that was all she wrote.

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I one day i'm going to go back and count how many pilots i had that didn't make it past 10 missions!


Anyways, We were on another CAP and i took two flights this time. We bounced some MIG19s that were our primary targets and really went after them. Unfortunatly, in the dogfight that followed 2 LT Patrick Simmons collided with a MIG. A chute was seen but that was all she wrote.


Ouch not a good day at the office... I am still trying to work out how my driver is still flying... the amount of Virtual flying luck he's used is enough to last 3 pilots... and the entire ground crew for the jets...



As to counting how many didn't make it to ten me I am avoiding that as it would take too long...

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What a great start.


Had a recce mission and took everyone along. As it turns out, they weren't needed.


Took off, assembled and went to 30,000ft. We hoped to find the Russkies involved down below and surprise bounce them. We were listening to activity reports but nothing seemed to be near us despite overflying a number of enemy airbases. Damned if no one wanted to come up and try us.


Well, as we got nearer to Brandenburg i began taking us down. I knew there was a fight ahead but had no real idea as to it's size. It didn't seem like a big deal though, probaly a pair of patrols clashing. That's what it turned out to be and we got there very close behind a pair of Mig17s that we heading for home. Going full throttle, we closed in behind them guided by directions from GCI. It was pretty cloudy and those MIGS we heading right through a very thick patch of them. Soon though we finally spotted them as they broke into the clear and it was on. Assigning the enemy wing to my number 2, i went after the lead. A missle missed due to his breaking into it and damned if i missed with with a burst of 20mm due to almost running into him.


He ducked back into the clouds and so it took a few more minutes of GCI assistance to find and shoot him down at 6,000ft Unfortunatly #2 lost his guy in the clouds so i decided to climb to 15,000 and reassemble the squadron. A few minutes later we got info if bogies to the northeast of us and so we turned to check it out. After a brief search a pair of Flashlights came into view below us at 9,000ft flying just above the clouds. We moved to engage them and they split up to flee.


I fired another missle but the Flashlight broke just as it launched. The pilot was pretty good. Knowing he couldn't outrun us, he made some excellent low speed maneuvers that caused us to repeatedly overrun. He also used the clouds for all it was worth.


A 20mm burst finally connected and down he went.


The second disapeared but we found him through an incredible stroke of luck. We were in the process of reforming when he popped out of some clouds a few miles away on a course the was the opposite of what we were intending to fly in order to continue or mission. It's just his bad luck that we happenned to be flying in his direction in order to regroup.


This pilot was even better than the first and pulled off some really fine evasions. I hit him a few times but he didn't go down until i closed in and really hosed him. He then blew up and went down.


Finally, nothing else was around so we went to 20,000 and went to complete our mission.


At the objective we got word of activity to the north but knowing a few of the guys were getting a bit down on fuel i sent them home.


As my wingman and i went north i began getting a bit nervous about number 2 and so also sent him home.


I wish i didn't because what i found about 30 miles north of Brandenburg was two flights of MIG17s lineing up to land!


So i picked a Mig, closed in pulled the trigger and nothing happenned!!! Maybe i had my switches wrong so i rechecked everything, made another pass and found out i was out of ammo!


So missles it was. I set up for another pass and had probels getting a tone. Damn MIGs were going so slow that i was closing in at a too rapid rate for the seeker head to establish a lock. Yet another pass and a MIG went down.


Quickly cutting back for another pass i was closing in too fast again even though i had the speedbrake out. Damned if i had a hell of a surprise, i was low and slow right over some AAA! As the tracers came up, i fired the last missle more or less ballistically at below minimum range so i could get the hell out of there.


Full burner, speedbrake in, and i could hear and feel the hits! Tracers were still coming up but i was heading out of the threat zone. Even at full burner, the engine was reacting very sluggishly so i looked down and sure enough, the Master Caution light was on. I then quickly pulled off the burner and cut the throttle to 50%. A quick panel check showed nothing wrong so out i looked and boy was the starboard wing messed up!


I nursed the plane up to 10,000ft and went home. It was a pretty tense flight but i made it!

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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Aaaaah the old just one more just one more... that'll get you hosed everytime...

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Forgot to get the get the mission debrief, but as you can see, we lost two pilots in our mission.


It was a rather simple strike mission to knock out the fuel tanks at the Plauen airbase and eight of us took off. Two carrying a single CBU and everyone else configured solely for A2A. The strike itself was routine as can be, a few MIG17s were tangling with our escorts and the flak supression guys and so we waded in.


What started out as a minor fight escalated really quickly as more MIGs showed up to fight, 17s as well as at least two flights of MIG 21s. Due to the clouds from 6,0000 to 10,000ft over certain areas of the locale, the fight quickly grew rather chaotic. In the course of engaging probaly 6 different enemy aircraft i downed two with gunfire. A Mig17 which i saw spiral down and crash and a MIG21 which exploded into flames and blew up.


2LTs Feinstein and Mass were the second element of B flight. Aparently they were a few miles south of the battle and were shot down by some MIG19s.

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This was a really wild mission!


Expecting heavy action, it was another maximum effort for the 121st. It took us a while to form up but we got solid info on the enemy's location from a pair of German Recce birds around where we we supposed to operate. Unfortunatly we couldn't get there fast enough to prevent them from being downed but we did get there just as a pair of MIG 19s were heading northwest about 6 miles at 12 low.


Where ever they were going, it was in a hurry and so off we went after them. It might seem strange that twelve fighters would chase after two, but they were the only enemy planes in sight and we were determined to avenge the Germans. This countinued for about 15 miles when the MIGs split up, one climbing swiftly while the other slowed radically and ending up about 200 yds at #2 flight's 9 O'clock. As i began to order #3 flight to engage the rear Mig, we tallyhoed a swarm of MIG17s climbing up from right below us. It was a a hell of an ambush but we sussed it out and reacted quickly.


Everyone punch tanks and engage while i kept on the lead MIG. At that moment we were at 14,000ft.


So onward and upward we went. I was well behind the MIG but i knew that sooner or later he would turn and the fight would be on. That was my train of thought until we passed 30,000ft. After that the realization that he was making a run for it became the new mental mode. Up pass 35,000ft and he didn't level off until he reached 40,000!


At that point simply running the MIG down was not an option. according to GCI he was about 6 miles ahead and it would take forver to close the gap. It was Yo/Yo time and it did cut some of the gap but as i was getting a bit closer he reacted by going into a shallow diving turn to port just as i started to get the nose up. As i followed him into the turn hit went into a climbing turn back to his orginal course. It was a really neat trick on his part since he went full burner before i was able to counter and so maintained a nice lead. It worked twice more but he went to the well once too often.


The third time as i dipped down to follow i anticipated the opposite turn and instead pulled the nose up and climbed to 43,000ft then pointed it down at him in full burner to get the jump. It worked! As he came up and went into burner he was just a bit slow and so i got into range for a missle shot.


The missle tracked well and i thought for sure it had him but just as it was closing in he broke into hard to port and that sealed his fate. He lost a lot of speed and allowed me to get into a near textbook guns approach.


In all it took about 10 minutes of highspeed chase to get this guy.


Meanwhile, the rest of the guys had a bit of a problem.


1LT Albert MacIntyre was shot down by a MIG17 and 1LT Eldon Croker collided with a 17 he was dogfighting. Both bailed out and were taken POW. Also taken POW was 2LT Dave Becker. He lost control of his aircraft in the fight and punched out to avoid going in.


A bit of good news was 1LT Duane Lesan, who was #4 in 3 flight, getting the other MIG with a missle.


I hope we do better next time as we can't sustain this kind of loss rate.

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Just to let everyone know...


Jefferson Nighthawk has flown some more successful missions and has many kills. I've just been procastinating over posting the AARs due to the frustratingly tedious matter of having to load everything up into the gallery and then cut and pasting the urls here.


If anyone knows a really easy and handy way to offsite screenshots please let me know.

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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Well bad news today Bruce is dead he is no more he is an ex-pilot, he has joined the choir of the everlasting, he has gone to the airshow in the sky... Combination of SAM's small calibre guns and a flight of Mig-21's... Died hard completed his mission by crashing his burning wreck of a jet into the Control Tower that was the Target...


Was hit by 1 SA-6 42 14.5mm gun rounds and 1 AA-2 Atoll... Made them work for their kill...


My next Pilot is either going to be Korea or the Cuban Missile Crisis... will post more when I start out and this one will be with pictures...

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Sorry Lt, I don't know about offsite screenshots, I delete mine.

Slarti, Bruce's death reminds me my flying skill ;)


18th mission


Capt Sean Rosewood


87th FIS, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim – F-106A Delta Dart




Take off : 9.17 – Landing : 10.34


Target : Rostock, Intercept


2 Yak-28


Ramrod 11 : Capt Sean Rosewood


Ramrod 12 : 2Lt Kelly Wells


Report :


We took off to intercept an enemy raid over Rostock, far to the north.


I don’t like that kind of long range intercept but we went to make it.


In fact, it was a total failure. We climbed to level 30 to be fast and save some fuel. Once again we were late but this time I didn’t make any error. The enemy bombers drop their ordinance and we were told to RTB. That’s what we did. (almost)


On the way back, I missed the WP and we had to circle to make a nice pattern entering. 2Lt Wells show me once again his ability to keep a tight formation while I was searching my way. Debriefing was loud, we failed the intercept and some SAM launches were reported. I don’t understand, we didn’t see anything…




(Personal notes : like two days before, I thought that it was weird to cross the whole Germany and not to attempt a victory while there were bandits wandering less than 5 miles ahead. I had a lock and launched an AIM-4F and an AIM-26B. Both of them went down. Ramrod 12 told me he wasn’t able to engage and my second AIM-4F shot down the Yak-28. I chased another bomber, heading to the east, but he was quite fast, so I cranked up full AB. I tried to take him out with an AIM-4G without result. I realized soon that there were another bandit flying lower 1.5 miles ahead and I launched my last AIM-4G. The bandit was blown up right in front of me and I passed just underside the pilot who ejected successfully.


I asked Ramrod 12 to engage a bandit on port and Kelly answered “Roger”. I was trying to watch at Kelly’s attack when somebody called “SAM launch”. Not here… Nothing on my left, nothing on my right, F…! It’s coming right at me from 12 o’clock! It’s damn close!!!


I dived nose down trying not to forget I was flying only ~1500ft high and not to loose consciousness while my blood was rushing to my head blinding my eyes. Not too much, not too much, I must straighten up NOW! I leveled 400ft high above the german countryside, seeing the smoke trail of the SAM right above me… I asked Kelly to join up and set a course to Wiesbaden. I checked the map and, as I was heading to enemy bases, we went to the west before we left the danger area and climbed to level 10, RTB.)



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19th mission


Capt Sean Rosewood


87th FIS, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim – F-106A Delta Dart




Take off : 10.17 – Landing : 11.28


Target : Spangdahlem, Intercept


3 Il-28


Crab 11 : Capt Sean Rosewood


Crab 12 : 2Lt Billy Pickett


Crab 13 : Capt Clifton Massen


Crab 14 : 1Lt Edward Thomas


Report :


Yesterday I was complaining about long range intercept and today our neighbors from Bitburg-Büchel-Pferdsfeld need some protection. Four aircrafts on alert this time. We took off and we did a good job with the tactical control to perform the intercept on time.


They were Il-28s and as soon as I was in range for a Falcon launch I slowed down to avoid catching them up. They were also two F-4 (Memphis flight) chasing them so they didn’t have much chance to escape. I launched my first AIM-4F and after a long flight it shot down the bomber. I made another lock and fired again, no success. I switched to the IRM but one of the Memphis guy was ahead of me. So I waited to be sure and when I saw the Phantom out of the missile envelope I launched the Falcon. Yes! Another one’s down. But there still was a bomber on his way. Keeping a safety distance from his tail guns I followed him knowing that my wingmen will be wise and stay clear from him. He made a U turn and I passed far away above him, not losing sight from a board to the other. Then I completed my turn to engage him once again. I heard Memphis 12 calling for help and saw the damaged Phantom drawing a black line of smoke, they were too close and must have been hit by the gunner, too bad. I launched the last IRM but it went wide. I climbed to regain enough distance to launch the SuperFalcon. I dived once again, made a lock and launched the missile. The Beagle was turning but the AIM-26B followed him and shot him down. And then I saw two of my wingmen breaking up from the bomber. Those damn idiots were following him and didn’t managed to shoot him before I did, I can’t believe it…


We RTBed without problem, except my lousy navigation and a real bad approach. The plane is ok, only my self esteem is a bit bend.


We were told later that a fourth Beagle was damaged by the Phantoms but get back home behind its lines. I wished we were able to take him out too.



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And there was me thinking Bruce was born to live... oh well... New pilot I am working on is for SF2 Nato 4+ with a minor modification 3 More Red Air Squadrons and 1 Spainish C-15 Squadron... along with an A-7E Squadron for the carrier and I am looking at updating the A-6E out of ODS to SF2 to park on the carrier deck... as well along with the Tomcat and Corsair... Always was my favourite line up on the US Carriers...

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20th mission


Capt Sean Rosewood


87th FIS, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim – F-106A Delta Dart




Take off : 11.17 – Landing : 12.25


Target : Twenthe, Recce


2 Il-28


Zebra 11 : Capt Sean Rosewood


Zebra 12 : 2Lt Kelly Wells


Report :


It was supposed to be a milk run, fly over friendly lands and perform a recce pass over Twenthe air base which is occupied by enemy forces.


We took off and very soon we encountered marauding enemy bombers, we engaged them. I launched an AIM-4F but it went to the ground. As I knew we were quite alone and Kelly was chasing another bandit, I switched to the AIM-4G and shot down the Il-28. I tried to form up with Kelly but there was a third bomber, closer than Kelly, I got its six and gain some altitude in order to have a radar lock. I was following him but still no lock so I launched the second AIM-4G and took him out. I tried to attack a fourth bandit but he was faster than me and I didn’t want to spoil the fuel so I gave up and called for Kelly to form up. We went to Twenthe and once there we saw heavy AAA firing at us. Kelly broke up and I did two passes over the airfield and a show of force over the city, flying between the high towers. We set a course back home and the AAA fired at us until we were far enough.


I did a good approach and landing but Kelly did three landing patterns because he stayed with me while I was landing and then he did a missed approach. The third one was the good one. I suspect him that it was on purpose to lengthen up his flying time.


I shot down 2 Il-28 Beagle but Kelly missed a Yak-28 Brewer.



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21st mission


Capt Sean Rosewood


87th FIS, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim – F-106A Delta Dart




Take off : 12.17 – Landing : 14.21


Target : Zweibrücken, Intercept


3 Il-28


Dallas 11 : Capt Sean Rosewood


Dallas 12 : 2Lt Gerald Day


Dallas 13 : Capt Clifton Massen


Dallas 14 : 1Lt Gordon Smallwood


Report :


We completed this mission but I’m not sure that we did it the right way.


We took off to intercept an enemy raid near Zweibrücken, a 4 ships flight. A good team, except number four who did a crappy job a week ago.


Once in position I asked a vector to begin the intercept : “3 o’clock, 10 miles”. Ok, I turned 90° on my left. I called for confirmation “6 o’clock, 15 miles”. Whaaat?? OMG! I’m such an idiot. I did a split-S and cranked up full burner to catch up the bandits.


I soon had a lock and launched an AIM-4F. One down! I launched the second AIM-4F and it exploded near the Il-28, I finished him off with an AIM-4G, and I shot down a third one with the second AIM-4G. I tried to fire my last missile at the fourth one but the AIM-26B went to the ground. Dallas 12 and 13 was on his tail (Dallas 14 was sleeping). But the bandit was low ~1500ft AGL so the guys didn’t even try to launch anything. As they were following him, the tail gunner was trying to shoot them down. I called to form up and we gained some altitude as the bomber was turning portside below us.


Then I decided to chase that Beagle and I told the guys to engage him. Dallas 12 went to the deck but still wasn’t able to launch anything, too low. The bandit went south with Dallas 12 on his tail, and we followed them few miles behind. It lasted a long time and I wondered “where are we?” A sight on the map… woops! I think we’re in France! Doesn’t matter we went on with the hunt. Still going south, I lost sight of the pursuit but Gerald told us he was still behind the bandit. It was going nowhere and the fuel level was decreasing, so I set a direct course to Wiesbaden and called back Gerald. We formed up and set an economical speed at 7500ft. In fact, the direct course made us pass over the cities of Mulhouse and Strasbourg. A perfect US jet fighters fluid four over the cities of France, what a laugh!


I think that my squadron mates are going facetious. I was on finale when Gerald overtook me on my left, while Capt Massen was doing the same on my right, and then they crossed each other right under my nose Gerald turning right and Massen turning left. What is this? The new Thunderbirds? The Skyblazers revival? Come on!


What a debrief! The intercept was done but we shook the sky a little during this pursuit. We were told to shut up about the flight of a Soviet bomber over France and Switzerland. That night we bought our rounds.

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This thread looks cool. When i get back up and running i will do this too with u guys.

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This thread looks cool. When i get back up and running i will do this too with u guys.


Glad to have you with us... So it looks like the marines are now going to be represented too...


There's also a thread that for SF2 but I will admit I post mine in here... no matter if its SF2 or 1

Edited by Slartibartfast

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Yeah, welcome Jarhead1!

Slarti, I like that you post here your SF2 DID stories xD


22nd mission


Capt Sean Rosewood


87th FIS, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim – F-106A Delta Dart




Take off : 13.17 – Landing : 14.43


Target : Drewitz, Recce


Hammer 11 : Capt Sean Rosewood


Hammer 12 : 2Lt Norman Howerton


Report :


There was a taste of vengeance in this mission today. I must admit it’s not serious but I cannot stand when the adversary fools us.


It was a long range recce over Drewitz near the border between Germany and Poland. We were not supposed to be threatened before Altenburg-Nobitz which is secured by our ground forces. We kept the level 10 till we reached that point and then we went to the deck.


To avoid SAM launches and AAA we kept the east course till Gorlitz, and there, the escaping soviet bomber of yesterday came back to my mind. I decided to cross the polish border and to fly over the nearest big city, Zielona Góra. Keeping the economical engine thrust, we flew over the town and, as I thought it wasn’t enough, I made a roll and a second one before we turned to the west still flying over the buildings.


We were quite close to the flight plan after that little joke, we set the course to Drewitz. Nobody seemed to be prepare to defend the air base though we were flying at 3500 ft. Suddenly, it was clear! There was a plane on his approach to land! A big plane, a cargo. Damn! I turned on the radar, selected the AIM-4F Falcons and try to lock on that surprise target. It was too low, already above the runway, maybe already on the ground, so I switched to the AIM-4G and fired. Norman told me that my missile went to the runway without hitting the aircraft. As we had reached the target location we were told to RTB and I didn’t try to do anything else because the AAA was really trying to shoot us down right now!


The way back home was really quiet but when approaching Halle, occupied by friendly forces, I heard a “SAM inbound” call. I dodged the unseen threat and went on flying only 800 ft high.


I missed my approach at Wiesbaden when Norman landed perfectly on his first.


The last surprise was to learn that a SAM had been actually launched at an US fighter near Halle right when I was diving to the ground. The escaping maneuver wasn’t useless like I thought at that time.


I really think it was stupid to fly over a city behind enemy lines just to get even, but it was too much tempting. A sort of psychological war, from my point of view.



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I was in great shape today! ;)



23rd mission


Capt Sean Rosewood


87th FIS, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim – F-106A Delta Dart




Take off : 14.17 – Landing : 14.53


Target : Brandis, Intercept




Viper 11 : Capt Sean Rosewood


Viper 12 : 2Lt Gerald Day


Viper 13 : Capt Clifton Massen


Viper 14 : 1Lt Edward Thomas


Report :


This have been a total failure!


Take off on alert to perform an intercept flight near Brandis.


It’s far from Wiesbaden so I hurried up and lost my way, leading the four aircrafts mission to nowhere. Too late I realized my mistake and we came back to the target area. We were told to RTB, we were useless.


In fact we weren’t far from home base (how stupid!) but I missed my approach and almost stalled when on finale, recovering the Six using full AB. Such a bad day…






24th mission


Capt Sean Rosewood


87th FIS, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim – F-106A Delta Dart




Take off : 14.53 – Landing : 16.12


Target : Laarbruch, Intercept


1 Il-28


Oyster 11 : Capt Sean Rosewood


Oyster 12 : 2Lt Kelly Wells


Oyster 13 : Capt Rolland Kullman


Oyster 14 : 1Lt Eldon Rose


Report :


I was really nervous when we took off to intercept an enemy raid near Köln.


I didn’t want to repeat the same failure than yesterday.


1Lt Smallwood was supposed to be number 4 but I chose 1Lt Rose to come with us, I really needed to fly with some reliable wingmen.


We were on time for the intercept and I soon had a lock on the bandits. I radioed Oyster flight to engage. I launched an AIM-4F and shot down an Il-28. I slowed down to engage another one but, as usual, they were low, ~500ft. As I was closing too quickly to the bomber I dove to be as low as him, but it was too much and I lost sight blinded by the blood rushing to my eyes because of the negative Gs. I was low and I thought that I was crashing so I pulled up but once again too much violently. The Six almost stalled at the top of the trees. What’s wrong with me?!

The bomber was still right there, under my nose so I launched an IRM AIM-4G then a radar guided AIM-4F without any lock. Then another G which went to the ground and, as I had a radar lock I launched the SuperFalcon despite of the insufficient range. My last weapon went into the trees… I was winchester and the Beagle was flying unharmed after I wasted 4 missiles on it.


That lasted long. We turned around the Beagle over Köln, waiting for him to gain some altitude. He never did and he engaged Oyster 14 who was such a sitting duck. Can you picture that? An Ilyushin bomber chasing a F-106 Delta Dart?! I tried to follow him and I stalled. Luckily the six was light, the fuel tanks being half empty. I recovered it and decided to take some distance with the Beagle to engage him once again later but I lost his sight and was never able to detect where he was. I asked for an intercept vector and the tactical control gave us a course to the north, while the bandit was on the east course. I told Oyster 13 and 14 to RTB and Oyster 12 and I went to the north. Trying to save the remaining fuel, we managed to intercept two another Beagles but Kellly had never been able to shoot at them. I was disgusted, we went back home slowly. Kelly was number one for landing, I thought it was the best way to end that another s…ty day.







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25th mission


Capt Sean Rosewood


87th FIS, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim – F-106A Delta Dart




Take off : 15.53 – Landing : 16.44


Target : Magdeburg, Recce




Mamba 11 : Capt Sean Rosewood


Mamba 12 : 2Lt Clayton Jefferson


Report :


Simple mission today, we performed a reconnaissance flight over Magdeburg.


2Lt Clayton Jefferson is back amongst us after he’s been grounded for 21 days because of his injuries. Milk run, but there was a thick overcast at 9700ft.







26th mission


Capt Sean Rosewood


87th FIS, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim – F-106A Delta Dart




Take off : 20.27 – Landing : 21.06


Target : Minden, Recce




Denver 11 : Capt Sean Rosewood


Denver 12 : 2Lt Clayton Jefferson


Report :


Once again 2Lt Jefferson and I were tasked to a recce flight.


The weather was worse than yesterday. The overcast was at 7500ft and the target was foggy. 2Lt Jefferson seemed to be easier for his 2nd flight.


There was AAA over Minden but they missed us. We stayed low until we passed Gütersloh, occupied by the enemy.


I must say that I really appreciated that night flight over Germany even with bad flying conditions.


After the debriefing, the CO told me that I was promoted to Major grade and will be awarded with the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal.


Our forces are in Schwerin.

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