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I got a reply from Extreme_one concerning track editing on the Ubi forums. He gave me a link to a thread he started awhile back concerning editing here...http://ubbxforums.ubi.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=...0533&m=76710959


Its very useful for all us wannabe movie producers. Using a few of his techniques, I made the attached track for my Balaton campaign. Follow the readme and tell me what you think. It isnt spectacular. The collossal block busters will come later. ;)


Edited by pcpilot

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MJ, Another problem. My track file I uploaded keeps coming back to me "incomplete or damaged" when I do a test download. The file archive being uploaded is fine. But its missing a couple files in the archive after I download it.

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Ok, decided to go ahead and post my preview video on my own website despite the limited space. I also made an announcement on the IL2 forums here, just copy and paste into your browser, the HTTP button isnt working right now...http://ubbxforums.ubi.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=400102&f=50910533&m=180101513


You also can get the video here...again, copy and paste...http://home.nethere.net/pcpilot/video/jbvid.zip


Please let me know what you all think, thanks.

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