ConradB 0 Posted November 22, 2009 Hats off to you folks! The wait was well worth it! A fine job indeed. Now, I hope you all went and tied one on after the release. For you've well earned it! This is almost like firing up the old RB3D, as the transition has been very smooth. Just a little re-aquaintance and off I went. The planes handle very nicely as long as one knows there strengths and weaknesses. That is, knowing what to do, and what not to do with a specific plane. But the attention to detail with the FM is very good, and I noticed that the planes handle pretty much the way the pilots said they did. The Saitek AV8R is nice, as it has twin throttle levers which lends itself to the mixture lever instaed of using a button or the keyboard. It's the next best thing to a throttle quadrant. So if it's ok to ask, is there any projection on the Hat in the Ring add-on? It looks like it will be a nice addition to the game / sim. But I think I can keep myself quite busy for the time being. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites