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Graphics Help

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Sorry that I didn't post this in the video section, but I'm in dire straits. In a nutshell, evrything is fine on the desktop except when I load something like IL-2 or SFP1, and even Morrowond. The frames slow down so much that my puter goes into cardiac arrest. I've re-loaded DX9b, the new nvidia drivers (56.64), and reupdated my intel chipset drivers. All config for cards and memory haven't changed. Im running a 1.8 p4/ gforce 4 ti4600 128 mb card/ 1 gig RAM/ and SBLive audio. Please help me! :(

Edited by zagnut

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Zag, 1st, make sure nothing else is running in the background. Check this by hitting cntl, alt, del. The only things going should be Explorer and systray. If there is anything else going, close 'em out.


2nd, Your machine is a mid-range machine. I would suggest making sure all your in-game video and sound settings are mid-range also and not high.


Let us know what happens then ok? Good luck...



PS. I might also add that if these games ran well before you added the latest video drivers, you might try re-installing an older version that worked. New updated drivers dont always help with more than a few problems that not everyone has.



PSS. If all this fails, take note of my sig and do as I do at that point...

Edited by pcpilot

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Well, after a weekend of tweaks and downloads, I tried running jedi as an experiment, and my graphics card went "NO!" I cracked open the case and the card was reeeeealy hot and the fan had died. It overheated for the last time. I went to Fry's today and found an ATI 256mb 8x agp card for $129. The machine runs like a champ now.

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Good news, glad to hear it! I need to get me a nice card too, maybe this summer. ;)

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