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Thunder At Sea Evolving...

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This was posted by the Team Director at the Fighting Steel Project forum...


"I just wanted to remind everyone that TAS is evolving into

Navies At War-WW2 and if there are any questions about this

upgrading of TAS to a more comprehensive product that can

either be played as a stand alone simulation or be used with

the Warship Combat Series or Fighting Steel Project.


Let me know if there are any concerns or questions.



NWS Team Director"


The thread is here along with links for the questions and answers that followed.




Im not going to post all the questions but just a couple to give you an idea what is happening here...


"From: "Robert and/or Nora Thompson" <Hobo55@t...>

Date: Fri Mar 19, 2004 3:23 pm

Subject: RE: [NWS-FSP] TAS evolving into NAW-WW2 /w NWS reply




I purchased TAS and FS in late Jan or early Feb., also made a donation for

the upcoming FS 9.5 which I haven't received yet. Are both TAS and FS going

by the wayside or as I understand evolving into 'Navies at War-WW2.


*** FSP is going very strong.. as a matter of fact v9.5 will be one of the

most comprehensive updates we have ever done for FSP so far. (BTW.. you didnt

get FSP CD v9.5 for donation because it hasnt been released yet..;-) TAS

is not in ANY WAY dead.. TAS is evolving into something much more then what

you all originaly paid for.. example.. more detailed aircraft operations,

more detailed sub operations, a built in surface combat system (which means

it can be played as a stand alone simulation), turn based or real time option

while playing, the ability to handle longer campaigns, and much more! Basicly

NAW-WW2 will do everything TAS does AND have what was planned for NAW-WW2

added to it! This does not effect FSP in any way shape or form.. except for

the fact that if we get the FSP WW1 edition going the NAW-WW1 will be

compatible with it! ;-)


Am I confusing the WW2 (2D )game I purchased in February with the Navies at

War WW2?


*** 2 different products. WC-WW2 is a simulation in itself for tactical

surface combat. NAW-WW2 will be compatible with both FSP and WC-WW2 if you

decide you want either one of those simulations to handle the surface combat.

Navies At War at the core is a operational campaign simulator with tactical

command structure (basicly you dont left out of the action or the important

decisions..;-) Again though.. NAW-WW2 can either use its own built in

surface combat system, or FSP, or Warship Combat-WW2 to handle the

surface combat actions at your choice!


The TAS and FS package (3D)works well and it would be great if both of these

formed into the new game allowing for aircraft and CV's. I suppose a

donation would be required for the new game. What about the 9.5 upgrade?

Is it redundant? If so maybe I should cancel.


*** FSP v9.5 will be shipped on the CD you sent in a donation for. NAW-WW2

is a seperate product. Basicly think of it as this.. TAS is being replaced

by NAW-WW2 with all of the same compatibility of TAS with FSP.. BUT.. you

will be getting a LOT more features by moving up to NAW-WW2 that are not

presently available in TAS and it will be a stand alone simulation in and

of itself if you dont want FSP to handle the surface engagements. Let me know

if this helps. ;-) Im not surprised at some of the confusion as I dont think

anyone has ever done something like this before.. ;-)



Bob and/or Nora Thompson


*** Thanks


Christopher Dean

NWS Team Director / Projects Designer ***"




"From: "Pete" <pmarvin7@c...>

Date: Fri Mar 19, 2004 3:12 pm

Subject: Re: [NWS-FSP] TAS evolving into NAW-WW2 /w NWS reply


Just bought TAS...what does it take to upgrade to Navies at War WWII?


*** Once NAW-WW2 is released.. $10! I am seeing if its feasible to do a upgrade

as a download rather then having to ship another CD. Ill let all of you know if

that idea will work or not. Hold on to your serial # as that will be required

for the upgrade in either case. ;-)



NWS Team Director ***"


and finally, one from me, alias Racketyjack... ;)


" From: "JB. Gerald" <racketyjack@y...>

Date: Fri Mar 19, 2004 7:36 pm

Subject: Re: TAS evolving into NAW-WW2 /w NWS reply


Ill be upgrading to NAW-WW2. Ill also donate for the FSP 9.5. Just

gotta wait till payday... :0) This all sounds great to me, really

looking forward to it. Do you think the game system will be as

tactically flexible as the old Carriers at War game?


*** That is the plan. One of the directives of the design is to allow

the player to make the tactical decisions quickly and easily so as not

to be left out of the action. For example.. you will be able to set up

air searches, launch air strikes using selectable ordnance, setup CAP,

etc.. using carrier and land based aircraft operations. The AA combat

will also be more detailed. I have played both Carriers At War and

Carrier Strike and enjoyed them both.. NAW-WW2 will be a very direct

competitor with those designs but you will also have the ability to

handle surface engagements through NAW, FSP, or WC. NAW-WW2 will also

be a continualy updated product after release as we do with all of our

productions.. meaning more features and special requests will be added through

downloadable updates for registered owners. Any new features that are

applicable to both NAW-WW2 and NAW-WW1 will be added to both editions. NAW-WW1

also wont just cover WW1.. it will also be able to cover the Russo-Japanese

War either at time of publication or soon after with a downloadable

update. The overall goal of the Navies At War Series is to be the some

of the most comprehensive simulations of naval campaigns ever developed.


Quick note: I cant promise this yet.. but we are looking at a way for

TAS owners to upgrade to NAW-WW2 via a downloadable update so as to save

on shipping cost for a CD to be mailed. We will post more news about this




Christopher Dean

NWS Team Director / Projects Designer ***"



All in all, it looks really cool. Ive been hoping for something that would improve upon the old Carriers at War. Carrier combat has always been my favorite form of gaming harking back to the days of Avalon Hill's FLATTOP. Now it looks like Ill finally be able to scratch that itch bigtime...YEAH BABY! :D ;)

Edited by pcpilot

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Here is the link to the Navies at War-WW2 website...




Copied and pasted this from their site...


"The Navies At War Series is a new revolution for covering operational level naval warfare from the age of sail to modern day. 5 editions are planned covering WW2, WW1, WW3, ironclads, and fighting sail. Each edition will be a comprehensive design allowing for scenarios to be designed to work together as campaigns covering the worlds oceans. This series will mark a new revolution in naval simulation/wargaming for the computer!


Planned Features:

* Multi-national naval forces with continuously evolving massive databases of weapons and ships.

* Specific and meticulously calculated combat details for each and every unit and weapon represented.

* Every combat unit given its own very detailed graphical representation.

* Full custom designed stereo sounds effects and detailed combat animations covering all types of combat.

* Logistics, unit repairs, resupply, and other important aspects of naval engagements.

* Scenarios and campaigns covering months of naval operations with full tactical control available.

* Rapid fire tactical combat resolution with quality results.

* Full world and full color mapping system with integrated and intuitive windows based interface.

* Optional turn based OR real time, with pause option, game play during game play.

* Strong operational and tactical AI opponent.

* Amphibious assaults, mine warfare, submarines, coastal batteries, forts, land based air power, and much more all at your command!

* Low system requirements and laptop PC friendly with full keyboard/mouse integrated interface.

* Full zoom capable detailed strategic map covering any theatre in the world.

* Land and weather effects included.

* Land based and carrier air operations, submarines, and minefields.

* Recon by land or carrier aviation, or floatplanes and shadowing by cruiser patrols.

* Realistically unclear, delayed, or even misleading sighting reports.

* Operational scenarios covering up to a month.

* Realistic range limitations and refueling, at sea or in port.

* Missions for task forces include: Convoy, Tactical transport, Bombard, Mine laying, Intercept, Patrol etc.

* Compatibility with the Fighting Steel Project and Warship Combat Series for surface combat resolution.

* Cause of loss recorded for every ship sunk or damaged.

* Campaigns with a series of linked scenarios in a specific theatre.

* The ability to edit your own missions using a scenario editor!

* More features to be posted soon!


Estimated Release Dates:

* Navies At War! WW2: Q1-Q2 2004

* Navies At War! WW1: Q1-Q2 2004

* Navies At War! WW3: Q2-Q3 2004

* Navies At War! Ironclads: Q3-Q4 2004

* Navies At War! Fighting Sail: Q3-Q4 2004


Estimated System Requirements: 500mhz+ CPU, 64MB RAM, 8MB video card, DirectX 7.0+, Win95/98/XP/2K/ME


Designers: Christopher Dean, William Miller, Fredrik Wallin"

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