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P-47D-20, 61st FS, 56th FG

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P-47D-20, 61st FS, 56th FG

P-47D-20 (Razorback), 61st FS, 56th FG Skin for SF/SFG/ WoV/ WoE, WW2 ETO Installs


A reskin for Wolf's Razorback Jug, depicting aircraft from the 61st FS of the Famed 56th FG as seen in late 43 through early 45 (depending if the Razorbacks were still on inventory or not!)


This skin depicts the OD/Gray paint scheme, but NOT with D-Day Invasion Stripes. It's just a rather standard ETO paint job, without the color diferentiation between the squadrons (as it didn't seem to be used, or had been replaced with regular paint, according to my references)

Decals are included for 26 aircraft, letters A-Z, with serial numbers matched as close as possible to the actual aircraft they were used on. Some nose art is also included; again as close as possible to Real Life ™. Given some inaccuracies, I'd be forced to rate this as somewhere between 90-95% historically accurate.


Also included are an updated data & loadout inis, with corrected light placements (formation, landing, tail, etc).


This mod has NOT been tested in 08 level 1st Gens or ANY SF2 NextGens. There are some issues with flight models and

other things that haven't been resolved as of yet. If you insist on using this mod in said environments, you're on you own. No assistance is available from me for any issues you will encounter.


As always, it's reccomended you unzip this package to a temp folder or your desktop, or somewhere's else that's easy to find to gain access to the rest of this readme for full, detailed and fairly east to follow install instructions.


Good Hunting, Wolfpack!


kevin stein


***First Upload of the New Year!***


edit: corrected model sub-type

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EDIT: I named the aircraft wrong; Razorback are D-20 and eariler. So the 'title is incorrct). Although, given the 100% equality of the mapping between both of Wolf's Jug (razor and bubble), the skin CAN be use on both. Although I don't think the 56th's D Bubbles were OD/Gray....


dswan: what does the first paragraph say? :dntknw:



kevin stein

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