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Southside Bucky

Morane Type L

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Hi guys.


Could someone please explain the process involved in deleting the Lewis gun on the 'Morane Saulnier Type L'?


I want to put together a mission depicting the destruction of Zeppelin L37 by R.A.J. Warneford in June 1915. There's an excellent skin available of Warneford's MS Type L, but to be completely authentic the Lewis has to go...He brought the airship down with bombs.


I just can't seem to get my head around that 'MyDummyWeaponStation' malarky... :dntknw:


Thanks in advance.



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Hi Bucky. Can FE bombs affect another in-flight object such as an airplane or zeppelin? Or have you figured a way around that?

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D'OH! :blink:


Thanks for drawing my attention to that little showstopper, Bandy...Have to say it never even occurred to me.


My question about the Lewis still stands though...Anyone?





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Worth learning Bucky, you can do cool stuff with it. For Morane L, I think it is like this, and these are the general steps:


Add the following in the Fuselage section of data ini, no. must be the next one in sequence, eg, 008 in this case, I think:




Add a new weapon station in the Weapon Stations section, StationID should be next sequential number, StationGroup always 1:


















Trick is to identify the piece(s) you want to get rid of from the OUT file. The Lewis in this case, sometimes simple and obvious.


And finally for a gun, delete the gun from the Internal Guns section.


Haven't tried it for MSL, but these seem like the right numbers so should work.

Edited by peter01

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Hey, it works! :dance:


Truly, you are THE man, Peter! :yes:


Many thanks for the tuition. I think it's finally sunk in now...Well, till the next time anyway.





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No probs Bucky. But P10ppy deserves the thanks for making us all aware of this trick, and explaining it. And considerable thanks too, it is pretty neat, and I use it quite a bit. I was really really happy to get rid of the extra Lewis guns on the Dolphin, and even P10ppy's Morane N looks better without the spinner IMO hehe.

Edited by peter01

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