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In-game Question

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I'm playing Jane's Fleet Command without the NWP mod on XP.

Sometimes, for no apparent reason, my aircraft (usualy an S3 Viking) will get "Shot down" by an unseen assilant. It wasn't anywhere near enemy surface contacts, there's no SAMs anywhere nearby, and no enemy aircraft in the air that I can see.

I've got AWCS and/or E2C Hawkeyes in the air in addition to F-14s, so I should be able to see inbound threats; but there's none. So, what the heck is shoting down the S3s... or are they just experienceing random catastropic engine failiurs??? I mean, they've all got plenty of fuel, so it's not a matter of them running out of fuel.

Is there an .ini setting I can change to tweek this behavior?

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Sarge, Ive not heard of that problem with the game. Almost sounds like some sort of bug. I would suggest posting on the Naval Warfare Project Forum. Those guys are pretty quick to get back to you on any problems. I would also make double sure that the sensors are on for the Awacs or E-3, just right click on the platform and go to "Sensors". But you probably knew that... :)

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