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Unreadable error messages

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Forget who this is for.....


when you get mismatchs, or other error messages,,you cant read what its saying cause the print is black on a dark bmp file.


go to obd>cfsww1 over flanders fields>uries>alert and make a copy of the alert_base.bmp. Then take and open up the original in paint, and fill the entire thing with a color of your liking,,the lighter the better. Save the file.


now you will be able to read what it says.


this is the same bmp that is use for "do you want to exit" and others, so if you dont like the light fill over the old pic,,just delete, and rename the copy

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Thanks for pointing out where that file is, Duck.

I just monkeyed around with the color, brightness and contrast and lightened things up a bit, keeping the original photo idea.

Will see how it works.





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How do I go about posting it? Never put anything up here before.

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How do I go about posting it? Never put anything up here before.


first thing you have to do is compress the file to zip or rar....the attathments rejects most other types of files.



when you go to make a reply, there is "attachments" section, bottom left of the area where you are typing,,,and a browse button...browse to the zip fil file, and hit attach this file. when its finished uploading. on the right, there is an "add top post', click on that...


just make sure you know where your cursor is in the post,,cause thats where the attchment link will end up...



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