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Cuban Revolutionary Air Force T-28A 1961

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Cuban Revolutionary Air Force T-28A 1961

Another skin for the skunkwoks T-28A Trojan which can be found in their Third Party section.

In 1958, the United States allowed the sale and export of 10 T-28A Trojan trainers to the Batista government in Cuba. They were to be used as primary and advanced training aircraft for the FAEC (Fuerza Aerea del Ejercito de Cuba)....the Cuban Air Force.


With the overthrow of the Batista government in 1959, the U.S. placed an immediate embargo on the sale, but four planes had already been delivered. These four fell into the hands of Castro and were placed into service with the FAR(Fuerza Aerea Revolutionaria)....the Cuban Revolutionary Air Force. They were apparently in service during the Bay of Pigs Invasion of 1961.....however what(if any) role they played is unknown.


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