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Capitaine Vengeur

Run George run !

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The American and Chinese presidents George W. Bush and Hu Jintao meet, and discuss about their respective countries' assets, trying to impress their counterpart:


The Chinese begins: "You know, our country's traditional medicine has progressed so far that we are now able to resurrect even people dead for long!"


W searches for a response, then replies: "You know, our sport trainings are so advanced that we now have a man able to run the mile in two minutes only!"


"Oh really? replies the Chinese. Well so, I will send you my best doctors to revivify your Thomas Jefferson, and then you will send me back your famous athlete. Do we have a deal?"


After Hu Jintao has left, W feels really annoyed and speaks to Dick Cheney:


"Oh Dick, what will we do if the Chinese really can awake Thomas Jefferson? You know that we don't have an athlete fast enough to run the mile in two minutes!"


"No problem, Mr President, the Vice answers. If the Chinese can really resurrect Thomas Jefferson, YOU will be the man who runs the mile in two minutes!"

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Guest Raden

The American and Chinese presidents George W. Bush and Hu Jintao meet, and discuss about their respective countries' assets, trying to impress their counterpart:


The Chinese begins: "You know, our country's traditional medicine has progressed so far that we are now able to resurrect even people dead for long!"


W searches for a response, then replies: "You know, our sport trainings are so advanced that we now have a man able to run the mile in two minutes only!"


"Oh really? replies the Chinese. Well so, I will send you my best doctors to revivify your Thomas Jefferson, and then you will send me back your famous athlete. Do we have a deal?"


After Hu Jintao has left, W feels really annoyed and speaks to Dick Cheney:


"Oh Dick, what will we do if the Chinese really can awake Thomas Jefferson? You know that we don't have an athlete fast enough to run the mile in two minutes!"


"No problem, Mr President, the Vice answers. If the Chinese can really resurrect Thomas Jefferson, YOU will be the man who runs the mile in two minutes!"


Three gaijin (foreign visitors for Japanese language) were arriving Jakarta back then early 1990s -- they were American dude, a Russian, and an Ausie guy.


They shared the same shuttle bus from the international airport, Soekarno-Hatta (CGK in ur tickets) West of Jakarta. They sat up front, and could not seem to keep their big mouth shut, sharing (bragging, man) their respective county's advancement in techno.



The Texan cowboy bragged that NASA was first to to land on the Moon, and just about to make another giant steps on the Mars -- the quickest way! Time travel.


The Ruskie bloke did not seem to be pleased with the story, so, he stated that his country was the first to go deep down almost to the core of the earth (Nah!) :grin: "Just yesterday!," he added with a sneer.


The Ausie did not wanna lose face, so he bragged as well that his country just made a breakthru, from Pine Gap sending a kanguru to Staten Island! Teleportation!


"When?" the Texan guy was wondering, "I never heard of it."


"Just an hour ago I heard from my mates back there in Oztralia!"


The shuttle bus driver was a bit annoyed of these craps :grin: (excuse me)


All of a sudden the trio gaijin inquired, "He man, what's that tower building ahead of us? The Ausie guy added, "It was not there when I (the Ausie) was here last month?"


"What? Which tower? I did not see it half an hour ago when I went to the airport sir!"









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Three gaijin (foreign visitors for Japanese language) were arriving Jakarta back then early 1990s -- they were American dude, a Russian, and an Ausie guy.


They shared the same shuttle bus from the international airport, Soekarno-Hatta (CGK in ur tickets) West of Jakarta. They sat up front, and could not seem to keep their big mouth shut, sharing (bragging, man) their respective county's advancement in techno.



The Texan cowboy bragged that NASA was first to to land on the Moon, and just about to make another giant steps on the Mars -- the quickest way! Time travel.


The Ruskie bloke did not seem to be pleased with the story, so, he stated that his country was the first to go deep down almost to the core of the earth (Nah!) grin.gif"Just yesterday!," he added with a sneer.


The Ausie did not wanna lose face, so he bragged as well that his country just made a breakthru, from Pine Gap sending a kanguru to Staten Island! Teleportation!


"When?" the Texan guy was wondering, "I never heard of it."


"Just an hour ago I heard from my mates back there in Oztralia!"


The shuttle bus driver was a bit annoyed of these craps grin.gif (excuse me)


All of a sudden the trio gaijin inquired, "He man, what's that tower building ahead of us? The Ausie guy added, "It was not there when I (the Ausie) was here last month?"


"What? Which tower? I did not see it half an hour ago when I went to the airport sir!"










How far and ridiculous can go the national pride? Beyond the edge of the universe, I do think so.


* * * * * * *

Three executives from the car industry meet at a convention: a Japanese from Toyota, a German from Mercedes, and a French from Renault. After dinning, they go to the toilet together, and do the liquid thing standing in line abreast.


The Japanese then goes to the washbasin, and carefully washes each square millimeter of his hands, then washes them a second, and a third time. He explains to his counterparts: “ In Japan, we learn to do things at their very best. We tolerate no default.”


The German in turn goes to the washbasin, washes his hands by using very small shots of liquid soap he then spreads, and tears very small pieces of paper he uses to swab his fingertips and cuticles. He explains: “In Germany, we learn to save each resource to keep our profit margins high. We tolerate no wasting.”


The French directly leaves the toilet, then opens back the door and says to both guys: “In France, we learn not to piss on our own hands!!”



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