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Wild Cat

Thunderbirds skin - new decals

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Thunderbirds skin - new decals

WildCat´s Thunderbirds



This is the thunderbirds skin made by EVRO. All merit is for his work.


I´ve just made some minimun paint modifications; wheels, fuselage and wins. And I´ve made some new decals

for canopy and fuselage.



To use this skin you must have "Mirage Factory F-16A Blk 10 NDC"







--SKIN: Copy the Thunderbirds folder to your "...\Objects\Aircraft\F-16A_Blk10-NDC" folder




--BMP files: If you want to change The _Hangar and _Loading bmp files copy them

to your F-16A_Blk10-NDC folder, and change the name in the "F-16A_Blk10-NDC.ini" file.



--Pilots: There are two pilots availables. One with red flight suit and one with blue flight suit.

If you wish you can download following this link:








*** Credits ***



Many thanks to EVRO for his skin.



F-16A Blk 10 NDC by Mirage Factory


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