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Radio Comms

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Ok, lets generate some action in here :)


I would like to know what the plans are for radio comms and how much depth the team plans on them. And of course I have some suggestions myselfe :)


First I think that radio comms are one of the most important aspcets of simulations and that the atmosphere of a sim greatly depends on them. If a missions is boring or fun has lot to do how much the player hears. And there can be many many units to make the envoirment alive, the player most likely wont notice them at all if he can't hear them and follow their missions trough their communications. Some things I think that are important:


-The player talks himselfe. If I order my wingman something it is nice to actualy hear this and then hear the wingman respond. If I only hear the wingman and his respons is short ( let say just a simple "roger" ), then I haven't much action on the radio at all... This point is also needed for the next point.


-I would like to hear other units on the same channel, like Janes F/A-18 or Falcon 4.0 did. In lomac per example, there can be the biggest airwar going around you but the only one talking on the radio is your wingman saying "roger". In order to hear other units comms, the point above is needed. Cause you need to hear the command, not only the acknowledgement. Listening to a nice engagement on radio is nice on those long tranist flights.


-ATC that does controll. In many flightsims in the past, ATC didn't controll you, they just said a certain thing when you flew over a certain point. Again here comes Janes F/A-18 and F4.0 in my mind as positiv examples. It is nice if ATC guides you to the ILS interception via multiple legs, creates spacing between traffic, gives you the order to do a go-around, order planes to orbit or calls you names if you didn't do what he wanted.

Again LOMAC is a bad example here. There is no controll, just some standart phrases in standart situations. After some tries you stop calling to tower and fly for yourselfe, cause it is exactly the same.


-Interaction, lots of interaction. I like to "talk" with the other side. If I report a problem to my controller per example, it would be nice if he asks for specifics. Then I select my problem from a drop down list and get a specific answer. An example: Me: "Red 1 is low on fuel"

Controller: "Do you make it for the carrier ?"

Me selcting in dropdown list: "positiv"

Controller: "Ok, you are Nr.1 priority for landing" Then he guides you down. Etc.


or: "negativ"

Controller: "Roger Red 1, I have the frigate Arrow 15 miles east of you..:" Etc.


I think you get what I mean. This is just a rough example and and I know that it must be extremy difficult to do this. But include dynamic nteraction wherever you can.


-Humans on comm. Of course not in the military standart phrases, but it would be nice to have some humanity every now and then. Per example you are in CAP and in contact with the controller on Coventry. Suddently Brilliant pops in on the frequency and reports she is under attack ( with fighting sounds in the background ) and that the Harriers should move their butts over there. Don't knwo if it is realistic, but sounds thrilling.


-FAC. An all time favourite :) Would be nice to have. I read somewhere that the Aermacci MB-339 developed FAC-CAS procedures with the argentinian marines. I guess the Harrier were in contact with ground troops aswell on their CAS missions.



Erm, thats all I can think of at the moment :) But I guess you already knew this yourselfe :)

Btw, as we are on that subject. How deep do you plan to do british and argentinian carrier procedures ?


Hope to see a dev. update soon. Keep up the good work.

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FS2004 comes to mind as a good example of ATC. However, it lacks two things that would make the comms top o' the line.


1. Multiplayer ATC. This is one thing that I think FS2004 is lacking, and was a big mistake on behalf of the developers.

2. If it is at all possible, voice recognition. However, I don't think it is very probable in this sim, but its still something to look forward to in future sims :)

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